In: Computer Science
This is C# programming.
In Chapter 2, you created an interactive application named GreenvilleRevenue.
The program prompts a user for the number of contestants entered in this year’s and last year’s Greenville Idol competition, and then it displays the revenue expected for this year’s competition if each contestant pays a $25 entrance fee.
The programs also display a statement that compares the number of contestants each year. Now, replace that statement with one of the following messages:
If the competition has more than twice as many contestants as last year, display The competition is more than twice as big this year!
If the competition is bigger than last year’s but not more than twice as big, display The competition is bigger than ever!
If the competition is smaller than last year’s, display, A tighter race this year! Come out and cast your vote!
Here's My Code:
using System;
using static System.Console;
class GreenvilleRevenue
static void Main()
const int ENTRANCE_FEE = 25;
string entryString;
int numThisYear;
int numLastYear;
int revenue;
bool isThisYearGreater, twiceLastYear;
Write("Enter number of contestants last year >> ");
entryString = ReadLine();
numLastYear = Convert.ToInt32(entryString);
Write("Enter number of contestants this year >> ");
entryString = ReadLine();
numThisYear = Convert.ToInt32(entryString);
revenue = numThisYear * ENTRANCE_FEE;
isThisYearGreater = numThisYear > numLastYear;
WriteLine("Last year's competition had {0} contestants, and this
year's has {1} contestants",
numLastYear, numThisYear);
WriteLine("Revenue expected this year is {0}",
WriteLine("It is {0} that this year's competition is bigger than
last year's.", isThisYearGreater);
using System;
using static System.Console;
class GreenvilleRevenue {
static void Main () {
const int ENTRANCE_FEE = 25;
string entryString;
int numThisYear;
int numLastYear;
int revenue;
Write ("Enter number of contestants last year >> ");
entryString = ReadLine ();
numLastYear = Convert.ToInt32 (entryString);
Write ("Enter number of contestants this year >> ");
entryString = ReadLine ();
numThisYear = Convert.ToInt32 (entryString);
revenue = numThisYear * ENTRANCE_FEE;
WriteLine ("Last year's competition had {0} contestants, and this year's has {1} contestants", numLastYear, numThisYear);
WriteLine ("Revenue expected this year is {0}", revenue.ToString ("C"));
if (numThisYear >= numLastYear * 2)
WriteLine ("The competition is more than twice as big this year!\n");
else {
if (numThisYear > numLastYear)
WriteLine ("The competition is bigger than ever!\n");
WriteLine ("A tighter race this year! Come out and cast your vote!\n");
Let me know if you have any clarifications. Thank you...