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C++ Programming: Programming Design and Data Structures Chapter 13 Ex 2 Redo Programming Exercise 1 by...

C++ Programming: Programming Design and Data Structures

Chapter 13 Ex 2

Redo Programming Exercise 1 by overloading the operators as nonmembers of the class rectangleType. The header and implementation file from Exercise 1 have been provided.

Write a test program that tests various operations on the class rectangleType.

I need a main.cpp file



#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

#include "rectangleType.h"

using namespace std;

void rectangleType::setDimension(double l, double w)
if (l >= 0)
length = l;
length = 0;

if (w >= 0)
width = w;
width = 0;

double rectangleType::getLength() const
return length;

double rectangleType::getWidth()const
return width;

double rectangleType::area() const
return length * width;

double rectangleType::perimeter() const
return 2 * (length + width);

rectangleType::rectangleType(double l, double w)
setDimension(l, w);

length = 0;
width = 0;

rectangleType rectangleType::operator++()
//increment the length and width

return *this; //return the incremented value of the object

rectangleType rectangleType::operator++(int u)
rectangleType temp = *this; //use this pointer to copy
//the value of the object
//increment the length and width   

return temp; //return the old value of the object

rectangleType rectangleType::operator--()
//Decrement the length and width
assert(length != 0 && width != 0);

return *this; //return the incremented value of the object

rectangleType rectangleType::operator--(int u)
rectangleType temp = *this; //use this pointer to copy
//the value of the object

//Decrement the length and width   
assert(length != 0 && width != 0);

return temp; //return the old value of the object

rectangleType rectangleType::operator+
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
rectangleType tempRect;

tempRect.length = length + rectangle.length;
tempRect.width = width + rectangle.width;

return tempRect;

rectangleType rectangleType::operator-
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
rectangleType tempRect;

assert(length >= rectangle.length &&
width >= rectangle.width);

tempRect.length = length - rectangle.length;
tempRect.width = width - rectangle.width;

return tempRect;

rectangleType rectangleType::operator*(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
rectangleType tempRect;

tempRect.length = length * rectangle.length;
tempRect.width = width * rectangle.width;

return tempRect;

bool rectangleType::operator==
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
return (area() == rectangle.area());

bool rectangleType::operator!=
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
return (area() != rectangle.area());

bool rectangleType::operator<=
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
return (area() <= rectangle.area());

bool rectangleType::operator<
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
return (area() < rectangle.area());

bool rectangleType::operator>=
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
return (area() >= rectangle.area());

bool rectangleType::operator>
(const rectangleType& rectangle) const
return (area() > rectangle.area());

ostream& operator<<(ostream& osObject,
const rectangleType& rectangle)
osObject << "Length = " << rectangle.length
<< "; Width = " << rectangle.width;

return osObject;

istream& operator>>(istream& isObject, rectangleType& rectangle)
isObject >> rectangle.length >> rectangle.width;

return isObject;


#ifndef H_rectangleType
#define H_rectangleType
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class rectangleType
//Overload the stream insertion and extraction operators
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const rectangleType &);
friend istream& operator>>(istream&, rectangleType &);

void setDimension(double l, double w);
double getLength() const;
double getWidth() const;
double area() const;
double perimeter() const;

//Overload the arithmetic operators
rectangleType operator + (const rectangleType &) const;
rectangleType operator - (const rectangleType &) const;
rectangleType operator * (const rectangleType&) const;

//Overload the increment and decrement operators
rectangleType operator ++ (); //pre-increment
rectangleType operator ++ (int); //post-increment
rectangleType operator -- (); //pre-decrement
rectangleType operator -- (int); //post-decrement

//Overload the relational operators
bool operator == (const rectangleType&) const;
bool operator != (const rectangleType&) const;
bool operator <= (const rectangleType&) const;
bool operator < (const rectangleType&) const;
bool operator >= (const rectangleType&) const;
bool operator > (const rectangleType&) const;

rectangleType(double l, double w);

double length;
double width;



Expert Solution

// rectangleType.h

#ifndef H_rectangleType
#define H_rectangleType

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class rectangleType
//Overload the stream insertion and extraction operators
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const rectangleType &);
friend istream& operator>>(istream&, rectangleType &);

void setDimension(double l, double w);
double getLength() const;
double getWidth() const;
double area() const;
double perimeter() const;

//Overload the arithmetic operators
friend rectangleType operator + (const rectangleType &, const rectangleType &);
friend rectangleType operator - (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType &);
friend rectangleType operator * (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType&);

//Overload the increment and decrement operators
friend rectangleType operator ++ (rectangleType&); //pre-increment
friend rectangleType operator ++ (rectangleType&, int); //post-increment
friend rectangleType operator -- (rectangleType&); //pre-decrement
friend rectangleType operator -- (rectangleType&, int); //post-decrement

//Overload the relational operators
friend bool operator == (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType&);
friend bool operator != (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType&);
friend bool operator <= (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType&);
friend bool operator < (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType&);
friend bool operator >= (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType&);
friend bool operator > (const rectangleType&, const rectangleType&);

rectangleType(double l, double w);

double length;
double width;

//end of rectangleType.h

// rectangleType.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

#include "rectangleType.h"

using namespace std;

void rectangleType::setDimension(double l, double w)
if (l >= 0)
length = l;
length = 0;

if (w >= 0)
width = w;
width = 0;

double rectangleType::getLength() const
return length;

double rectangleType::getWidth()const
return width;

double rectangleType::area() const
return length * width;

double rectangleType::perimeter() const
return 2 * (length + width);

rectangleType::rectangleType(double l, double w)
setDimension(l, w);

length = 0;
width = 0;

rectangleType operator ++ (rectangleType &rect)
   //increment the length and width
   return rect; //return the incremented value of the object

rectangleType operator ++ (rectangleType &rect, int)
rectangleType temp = rect; //use this pointer to copy
//the value of the object
//increment the length and width

return temp; //return the old value of the object

rectangleType operator -- (rectangleType &rect)
//Decrement the length and width
assert(rect.length != 0 && rect.width != 0);

return rect; //return the incremented value of the object

rectangleType operator -- (rectangleType &rect, int)
rectangleType temp = rect; //use this pointer to copy
//the value of the object

//Decrement the length and width
assert(rect.length != 0 && rect.width != 0);

return temp; //return the old value of the object

rectangleType operator + (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
   rectangleType tempRect;

   tempRect.length = rect1.length + rect2.length;
   tempRect.width = rect1.width + rect2.width;

   return tempRect;

rectangleType operator - (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
rectangleType tempRect;

assert(rect1.length >= rect2.length && rect1.width >= rect2.width);

tempRect.length = rect1.length - rect2.length;
tempRect.width = rect1.width - rect2.width;

return tempRect;

rectangleType operator * (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
   rectangleType tempRect;

   tempRect.length = rect1.length * rect2.length;
   tempRect.width = rect1.width * rect2.width;

   return tempRect;

bool operator == (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
return (rect1.area() == rect2.area());

bool operator != (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
return (rect1.area() != rect2.area());

bool operator <= (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
return (rect1.area() <= rect2.area());

bool operator < (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
return (rect1.area() < rect2.area());

bool operator >= (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
return (rect1.area() >= rect2.area());

bool operator > (const rectangleType &rect1, const rectangleType &rect2)
return (rect1.area() > rect2.area());

ostream& operator<<(ostream& osObject,
const rectangleType& rectangle)
osObject << "Length = " << rectangle.length
<< "; Width = " << rectangle.width;

return osObject;

istream& operator>>(istream& isObject, rectangleType& rectangle)
isObject >> rectangle.length >> rectangle.width;

return isObject;

//end of rectangleType.cpp

// main.cpp : C++ program to test various operations of Rectangle

#include "rectangleType.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
   rectangleType r1(10,20), r2(5,15);
   cout<<"R1 ==> Area : "<<r1.area()<<" Perimeter : "<<r1.perimeter()<<endl;
   cout<<"R2 ==> Area : "<<r2.area()<<" Perimeter : "<<r2.perimeter()<<endl;

   cout<<"R1 ==> Length : "<<r1.getLength()<<" Width : "<<r1.getWidth()<<endl;
   cout<<"R2 ==> Length : "<<r2.getLength()<<" Width : "<<r2.getWidth()<<endl;

   rectangleType rAdd = r1 + r2;
   rectangleType rSub = r1 - r2;
   rectangleType rMul = r1 * r2;

   cout<<"RAdd ==> Length : "<<rAdd.getLength()<<" Width : "<<rAdd.getWidth()<<endl;
   cout<<"RSub ==> Length : "<<rSub.getLength()<<" Width : "<<rSub.getWidth()<<endl;
   cout<<"RMul ==> Length : "<<rMul.getLength()<<" Width : "<<rMul.getWidth()<<endl;

   if(r1 > r2)
       cout<<"R1 is greater than R2";
   else if(r1 < r2)
       cout<<"R1 is less than R2";
       cout<<"R1 is equal than R2";

   return 0;
//end of main.cpp


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