
In: Computer Science

Complete the function ConvertToDecadesAndYears to convert totalYears to decades and years. Return decades and years using...

Complete the function ConvertToDecadesAndYears to convert totalYears to decades and years. Return decades and years using the ElapsedDecadesYears struct. Ex: 26 years is 2 decades and 6 years.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct ElapsedDecadesYears {
   int decadesVal;
   int yearsVal;

ElapsedDecadesYears ConvertToDecadesAndYears(int totalYears) {
   ElapsedDecadesYears tempVal;

   /* Your code goes here */


int main() {
   ElapsedDecadesYears elapsedYears;
   int totalYears;

   cin >> totalYears;

   elapsedYears = ConvertToDecadesAndYears(totalYears);

   cout << elapsedYears.decadesVal << " decades and " << elapsedYears.yearsVal << " years" << endl;

   return 0;


Expert Solution

  • Number of decades that can be fit into a year is the quotient of that year when divided by 10.
  • Number of remaining years that after the decades in a year is the remainder of that year when divided by 10.

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Code to copy:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct ElapsedDecadesYears {
int decadesVal;
int yearsVal;

ElapsedDecadesYears ConvertToDecadesAndYears(int totalYears) {
ElapsedDecadesYears tempVal;
// we can initialize the value of decadesVal with quotient of totalYears / 10
tempVal.decadesVal = totalYears/10;
// we can initialize the value of yearsVal with remainder of totalYears % 10
tempVal.yearsVal = totalYears%10;
// now we can return the structure object tempVal
return tempVal;

int main() {
ElapsedDecadesYears elapsedYears;
int totalYears;
cin >> totalYears;
elapsedYears = ConvertToDecadesAndYears(totalYears);
cout << elapsedYears.decadesVal << " decades and " << elapsedYears.yearsVal << " years" << endl;
return 0;

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