
In: Computer Science

Complete the code so that it can convert the date to day of week using python,...

Complete the code so that it can convert the date to day of week using python, the code should pass the doctest

def convert_datetime_to_dayofweek(datetime_string):
This function takes date in the format MON DAY YEAR HH:MM(PM/AM)
and returns the day of the week
Assume input string is UTC
>>> convert_datetime_to_dayofweek('Jun 1 2005 1:33PM')
>>> convert_datetime_to_dayofweek('Oct 25 2012 2:17AM')
# code goes here


Expert Solution

Code -

import datetime
from datetime import date
def convert_datetime_to_dayofweek(date):
month, day, year, time = (i for i in date.split(' '))
months = dict(Jan =1 ,Feb = 2 , Mar =3 , Apr = 4 , May = 5 , Jun = 6,
Jul = 7 , Aug =8 , Sept=9 , Oct = 10 , Nov=11 , Dec=12)
day_of_week =, int(months[month]), int(day))
return day_of_week.strftime("%A")
if __name__=='__main__':
date = 'Oct 25 2012 2:17AM'

Explanation -

1. import datetime module .

datetime module is used to manipulate dates and time.

Also , import date class from datetime class will manipulate the dates

2.define function convert_datetime_to_dayofweek which accepts single parameter date.

3.iterate through every item in date after splliting it at space. That is wherever space is present , date string will be split.Store it in month,day,year and time variable respectively.

Example -

date - Oct 25 2012 2:17AM

month, day, year, time = (i for i in date.split(' '))

Here month = oct , day=25,year=2012,time=2:17 AM

4.Since month is in name format we need to convert in into integer . define a dictionary months with key as month name and value as integer like Jan:1 , Feb :2 and so on

months = dict(Jan =1 ,Feb = 2 , Mar =3 , Apr = 4 , May = 5 , Jun = 6,
Jul = 7 , Aug =8 , Sept=9 , Oct = 10 , Nov=11 , Dec=12)

5.Use and pass year,month and day as arguments . Pass them as arguments after converting it into int.Hence use int(year), int(months[month]), int(day).

months[month] will give us the value of key month.

if month= Jun

then month[Jun] = 6

6.Use strftime("%A") to return the weekday from day_of_week.

7.Finally call the function convert_datetime_to_dayofweek in main and pass the date as argument to the function.

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