In: Computer Science
C++ Code
Vehicle Class
The vehicle class is the parent class of a derived class: locomotive. Their inheritance
will be public inheritance so reflect that appropriately in their .h files. The description of
the vehicle class is given in the simple UML diagram below:
-map: char**
-name: string
+setMap(s: string):void
+getMapAt(x:int, y:int):char
The class variables are as follows:
• map: A 2D array of chars, it will represent the map that each vehicle will have to
travel on.
• name: The name of the vehicle. For example, ”Frontier Express”.
• size: The size of the map as a square matrix.
The class methods are as follows:
• vehicle: This is the constructor of the class. It is simply the default constructor
with no additional features.
• getSize: This returns the size of the map as a square matrix.
• setName: This will set the name of the vehicle as received.
• getName: This will return the vehicle as set.
• getMap(): This will return the entire map variable.
• setMap(): This method receives the name of a text file that contains an ASCII map.
The map will be a square, equal number of rows and columns. The first line of the
map will have the number of rows. Every line after will contain a number of ASCII
characters that you must read into the map. This must allocate memory before
assigning the map.
• getMapAt: This receives two coordinates, an x and y, and returns what character
is located at those coordinates. If the coordinates are out of bounds, return ’:’
• ~vehicle: The destructor for the class. It has been made virtual.
• determineRouteStatistics: This function will be used to determine information from
the map based on requirements specific to the vehicle in question. As it stands, it
is made pure virtual.
• operator−−: The overload of this operator will deallocate thememory allocated for
the map.
2.2.2 Locomotive Class
The description of the locomotive class is given by the simple UML diagram below:
The class variables are as follows:
• supplyRange: This is the range, in terms of units (a unit being the distance between
one map coordinate and another) that the locomotive can travel on one trip. The
locomotive will require both coal and water in order to function and can only get it
at supply locations on the map which are marked by a ”*”. A supply location will
always be directly next to or adjacent to a railway, if one exists.
The class methods have the following behaviour:
• locomotive: The constructor of the class. It has no features beyond the default.
• ~locomotive: This is the class destructor that will deallocate the memory assigned
by the class. It will also print out, ”locomotive removed”, without the quotation
marks and ended by a new line.
• getSupplyRange: Getters for the class variables.
• setSupplyRange: Setters for the class variables.
• determineRouteStatistics: This function needs to calculate the specific statistics for
the locomotive based on the map it is provided. The following key shows all the
specific elements that are pertinent to the locomotive:
1. *: Supply Stations. These supply the locomotive with coal and water.
2. O: Origin Points. This is where the trains will be expected to leave from.
3. E: Exit Points. This is where the train is expected to go towards.
4. #: Railroad. This is traversable tracks for the train. Locomotives can only
travel on the map where there is track laid.
The function will then determine a number of statistics and print them to the screen
in a neatly formatted way:
1. Distance: Distance from the origin to exit in units, where one ”#” is one unit
so a track of ”### ” is a 3 unit long track.
2. Number of Supply Stations: Determine the number of supply stations that
support the railway.
3. Journey Status: This will display: ”Viable” or ”Not Viable” depending on
whether the locomotive is capable of making the journey. To determine this,
calculate the distance from the origin to the exit as units. If the train can
reach this distance with its current supply distance, then the trip is viable. If
there is at least one supply station, then the trip will be viable. If not, it will
not be viable.
Display the information as follows:
Name: Frontier Express
Supply Range: 12 units
Origin Coordinates: 1,2
Exit Coordinates: 8,7
Distance: 16
Number of Stations: 2
Status: Viable
Finally an example small map is provided below:
You will be allowed to use the following libraries: sstream,fstream, cstring, string,
iostream. Your submission must contain vehicle.h, vehicle.cpp, locomotive.h, locomotive.cpp, map1.txt, main.cpp
####################################### locomotive.cpp ####################################### #include "locomotive.h" #include<fstream> #include<cstring> Locomotive::Locomotive() { supplyRange = 0; } Locomotive::~Locomotive() { cout << "Locomotive removed" << endl; } int Locomotive::getSupplyRange() { return supplyRange; } void Locomotive::setSupplyRange(int s) { supplyRange = s; } // position(r, c) is where we start, We need to reach till // we get cell 'E' // Also, We keep a boolean array to mark the cells which // are already visited int findDistance(char **map, int size, int r, int c, bool **visited) { // if current cell is invalid or visited, Then return -1 to show error if(r < 0 || r >= size || c < 0 || c >= size || visited[r][c] || map[r][c] == '-') { return -1; } visited[r][c] = true; if(map[r][c] == 'E') { return 0; } // Try visiting to neighbors. int dis = findDistance(map, size, r+1, c, visited); if(dis != -1) { return 1 + dis; } dis = findDistance(map, size, r-1, c, visited); if(dis != -1) { return 1 + dis; } dis = findDistance(map, size, r, c+1, visited); if(dis != -1) { return 1 + dis; } dis = findDistance(map, size, r, c-1, visited); if(dis != -1) { return 1 + dis; } return -1; // Not possible to reach } void Locomotive::determineRouteStatisitcs() { char **map = Vehicle::getMap(); int size = Vehicle::getSize(); int originRow, originCol; int exitRow, exitCol; int supplyStations = 0; for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { for(int j=0; j<size; j++) { if(map[i][j] == '*') { supplyStations++; } if(map[i][j] == 'O') { originRow = i; originCol = j; } if(map[i][j] == 'E') { exitRow = i; exitCol = j; } } } // TODO, Find the logic for reaching to the destination // And it the trip is viable bool **visited = new bool*[size]; for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { visited[i] = new bool[size]; for(int j=0; j<size; j++) { visited[i][j] = false; } } cout << "Name: " << Vehicle::getName() << endl; cout << "Supply Range: " << supplyRange << endl; cout << "Origin Coordinate: " << originRow << "," << originCol << endl; cout << "Exit Coordinate: " << exitRow << "," << exitCol << endl; int distance = findDistance(map, size, originRow, originCol, visited); if(distance == -1) { cout << "End location can not be reached from origin." << endl; } else { cout << "Distance: " << distance << endl; cout << "Number of Stations: " << supplyStations << endl; if(distance <= supplyRange || supplyStations > 0) { cout << "Status: Viable" << endl; } else { cout << "Status: Not Viable" << endl; } } // free the visited array we created for tracking. for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { delete [] visited[i]; } delete [] visited; } ####################################### locomotive.h ####################################### #ifndef LOCOMOTIVE_H #define LOCOMOTIVE_H #include <iostream> #include "vehicle.h" using namespace std; class Locomotive: public Vehicle { int supplyRange; public: Locomotive(); ~Locomotive(); int getSupplyRange(); void setSupplyRange(int s); void determineRouteStatisitcs(); }; #endif ####################################### main.cpp ####################################### #include "locomotive.h" int main() { Locomotive l; l.setSupplyRange(12); l.setName("Frontier Express"); l.setMap("map.txt"); l.determineRouteStatisitcs(); return 0; } ####################################### map.txt ####################################### 4 O#-- -#*- -#-- -##E ####################################### vehicle.cpp ####################################### #include "vehicle.h" #include<fstream> #include<cstring> Vehicle::Vehicle() { size = 0; map = NULL; name = ""; } void Vehicle::setName(string s) { name = s; } string Vehicle::getName() { return name; } char** Vehicle::getMap() { return map; } int Vehicle::getSize() { return size; } void Vehicle::setMap(string s) { ifstream f(s.c_str()); if(! { f >> size; map = new char*[size]; for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { string x; f >> x; map[i] = new char[size]; strcpy(map[i], x.c_str()); } } } char Vehicle::getMapAt(int x, int y) { return map[x][y]; } Vehicle::~Vehicle() { for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { delete [] map[i]; } delete [] map; } void Vehicle::operator--() { for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { delete [] map[i]; } delete [] map; } ####################################### vehicle.h ####################################### #ifndef VEHICLE_H #define VEHICLE_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Vehicle { char **map; string name; int size; public: Vehicle(); void setName(string s); string getName(); char **getMap(); int getSize(); void setMap(string s); char getMapAt(int x, int y); ~Vehicle(); virtual void determineRouteStatisitcs() = 0; void operator--(); }; #endif
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