
In: Psychology

1. At least four distinct forms of encoding have been theorized to exist in long-term memory:...

1. At least four distinct forms of encoding have been theorized to exist in long-term memory: • Encoding in terms of physical characteristics • Encoding in terms of actions • Encoding in terms of symbols • Encoding in terms of meanings For each of these four forms of encoding, (a) explain how information is stored in long-term memory, and (b) give an example to illustrate your explanation.


Expert Solution

  • Encoding in terms of physical characteristics: this happens when specific physical characteristics of an object is remembered. The mind would retire the physical structure of the object and encode it in its own manner. Example, when a child is learning the famous towers, in order to remember the tower of Pisa, they would remember that the owner is leaning.
  • Encoding in terms of actions: when a person performs the same actions again and again, they tend to remember a particular object. For example, when a person keeps craming or repetitions an action , or in order to remember, they tend to write down the same answer again and again.
  • Encoding in terms of symbols: in order to remember new roads, people tend to remember roads with respect to certain symbols on the road. This helps them to remember the unknown road and trace back the path.
  • Encoding in terms of meanings: when someone is trying to learn new words, and many at a time, simple craming words will not help. In order to remember them, they require to understand the meaning properly and attribute the meaning to the word, understanding it properly. Example: in gre while learning high frequency words, the students have to remember a number of words. In order to not be confused, they have to mix it with words, apply the meanings and only then they can remember.

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