
In: Operations Management

Name some companies with whom you have done business. Then discuss how you view their employer...

Name some companies with whom you have done business. Then discuss how you view their employer brands. Would you want to work for them or not? How might these firms improve their employer brands?


Expert Solution


The organization has worked with organizations like Google, Facebook, IBM, Barclays, Qualcomm, and so on. Their boss brands are solid. These organizations are clear in their strategic vision. Their technique is straightforward and clear which is to hold the best ability for their organization. They do the business as indicated by the monetary patterns of the business. Their methodology is all-encompassing and the fundamental reason for existing is to serve the network. Organizations like Google, Facebook spend part of cash on their representatives to improve their learning procedures which could be used in their business. Their employer brand is so strong and healthy that any individual would like to work for their companies.

Any way to improve the employer brand organizations ought to transparently convey their methodologies and vision to their representatives. It should put forth attempts to hold the best ability. On the site, organizations ought to advance their individual employees' brand alongside the corporate crucial. This will urge representatives to work more earnestly. Not just this it ought to likewise have a decent online networking methodology to improve its employer brand.

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