
In: Computer Science

Modify the Complex structure in the notes and create a method that returns the complex conjugate....

Modify the Complex structure in the notes and create a method that returns the complex conjugate.

// Structure Method Notes C++

using namespace std;

// Object Definition
struct Complex {

   // Data members that define a complex number a + bi
   double a, b;

   // function within a data structure = METHOD
   // functions specific to this type of object.
   void printComplex(void);


int main(void) {

   int size = 3;

   // Declare three Complex objects and intitialize the data members.
   // In other words, instantiate 3 complex objects.
   Complex z1 = { 3,4 };
   Complex z2 = { 5,0 };
   Complex z3;

   z3.a = 6;
   z3.b = -8;

   // Use the given method to print the three objects.
   // Need three function calls.


   // In class we will create a function that calculates and returns
   // the distance from the origin.

   // If time... change to an array of 3 Complex objects.


//Function Implementations
// use the scope-resolution operator ( :: ) to tie the function to the object definition
void Complex::printComplex(void) {

   if (b >= 0)
       cout << a << " + " << b << "i" << endl;
       cout << a << " - " << -1 * b << "i" << endl;



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// Structure Method Notes C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Object Definition
struct Complex {

        // Data members that define a complex number a + bi
        double a, b;

        // function within a data structure = METHOD
        // functions specific to this type of object.
        void printComplex(void);
        // function to return complex conjugate
        Complex complexConjugate(void);


int main(void) {

        int size = 3;

        // Declare three Complex objects and intitialize the data members.
        // In other words, instantiate 3 complex objects.
        Complex z1 = { 3,4 };
        Complex z2 = { 5,0 };
        Complex z3;

        z3.a = 6;
        z3.b = -8;

        // Use the given method to print the three objects.
        // Need three function calls.


        // check out complex conjugate
        cout<<"Printing Complex Conjugate:"<<endl;
        Complex z_1 = z1.complexConjugate();
        Complex z_2 = z2.complexConjugate();
        Complex z_3 = z3.complexConjugate();
        // display results


//Function Implementations
// use the scope-resolution operator ( :: ) to tie the function to the object definition
void Complex::printComplex(void) {

        if (b >= 0)
                cout << a << " + " << b << "i" << endl;
                cout << a << " - " << -1 * b << "i" << endl;

// function to return complex Conjugate
Complex Complex::complexConjugate(void){
        Complex x; 
        x.a = a;
        x.b = b;
        if(x.b != 0){ // this is done because, if b is 0, then output would be like a + -0i
                x.b = -1*x.b;   
        return x;

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