
In: Computer Science

Please use Python to create a method for a linked list that returns the index of...

Please use Python to create a method for a linked list that returns the index of a lookup value within the linked lust


Expert Solution

According to the problem statement above,

I have coded the function using PYTHON which finds the index of the lookup in that linkedlist.



Below is the Snippet:

Code Snippet:

Code in Text format:

def find(head: Node, value: int) -> bool:           # method to find the index of lookup element

    node = head                                       # head pointer
    counter = 0                                       # counter to store index value
    while node is not None:                           # looping starts here to find the index of lookup
        if node.value == value:                       # if first node is our lookup then counter will be returned 0
            return counter                           # returning the counter value

        counter = counter + 1                       # else counter will increment
        node = node.next_node                       # moving to next node from current

    return False                                   # if node is null, then searching is not possible so we will return FALSE

I hope the above snippets, explanations, and information will help you out!

Thank you!

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