
In: Psychology

Perspectives of Psychology Goal of assignment: identify and understand the different perspectives in understanding human behavior....

Perspectives of Psychology Goal of assignment: identify and understand the different perspectives in understanding human behavior.

Case: Patient grew up with parents who didn’t divorce but fought a lot. Patient is having trouble in a relationship with an overpowering partner. Patient is failing out of school, can’t get out of bed in the mornings for classes, and is overwhelmed with decision making. Patient does not have a good support system outside of partner. Patient reports feeling depressed and anxious. Assign a name (make one up) and gender to the patient in the above case. Now, imagine the patient’s lifestyle, culture, neighborhood, relatives, etc. (be creative). Imagine the patient’s story. We have a panel of experts, each with a different contemporary perspective, who will be given the case based on your story. Quote each expert’s opinion on the underlying reason for Patient’s current functioning. Limit your writing to 3-4 sentences per perspective. Be clear and concise. Identify the perspective and then explain. Here’s an example: • Evolutionary View “Well, this is clearly a matter of survival of the fittest - poor adaptation and weak survival instincts. Those who are capable of dealing with the stressors will go on to do well academically and in relationships and enable the survival of their genes. Some people thrive and other collapse under stress, as in Max’s case.”

Name: ______________________ Gender: _____________________

Biological View

Behaviorist View

Cognitive View

Psychodynamic View

Humanistic View

Sociocultural View

Diversity in Psychology

Why is diversity in the field of psychology important? I already know that it is good to get different perspectives, so you can’t say that. Sometimes, this can be a sensitive topic. Often, it’s because people don’t stop to think about the real value of meaningful diversity – not to fill quotas. Write 3-4 sentences on this issue depicting your understanding.


Expert Solution

Name: Joylene Gender : Female

1. Biological perspective : Biological perspective towards psychology believes in consequences of genetics and physiology. Joylene's thoughts, feelings, emotions towards her social maladjustment can be examined through biological point of view with the help of her lifestyle, hereditary,her genitical background(her parents mental health or well-being).

2. Behavioristic perspective: Behavioristic perspective towards Joylene's life will explain the purely objective reasons behind her maladjustment with the environmental factors. Careful, at times controlled or naturalistic observable behavior will disclose many factors in the process of her learning towards life experiences.

3. Cognitive perspective: Cognitive perspectve focuses on information processing in organisms influence their behvior. In Joylene's case her approach, thought process towards her environment, parents, life-partner, success in her academics matters a lot for her psychological well-being. Her learning about her life experiences says a log about her life.

4. Psychodynamic perspective: Psychodynamic perspective focuses on unconscious motives which are powerfully influenced by our past experiences. As mentioned in the case, ' Joylene grew up with the parents who didn't divorced but fought a lot' it can be said that, our behavior and feeling including psychosocial adjustment  as an adult are deep rooted in our childhood experiences. Events that occure in childhood can remain in unconscious and can cause problems in an individual's personality, adjustments in a relationship.

5. Humanistic perspective: Humanistic perspective focuses on subjective perception and understanding of the world around. A mental health professional can help her to show direction towards acquiring new set of values for understanding human nature and environment. She can get an understanding about her self-image, self-efficacy.

6. Sociocultural perspective: This perspective can focus on role of Joylene's social interaction on cognition. Joylen's communication with her parents, relatives, environment, life- partner plays important role in the process of making meaning of her life.

Why diversity in Psychological perspective is important?

Answer: Each and every perspective towards psychology focuses on something different in our understanding of human behavior, cognition and emotions. Each approach has it's strenght and weaknesses. Mental health professionals can make use of these perspectives to study human behavior and and solve mental health issues considering the situaltional and environmental factors.

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