- The Sodium/potassium ATPase pump has been called the “center of
the universe because of its vital role in conducting nerve impulses
throughout your body. Without the nervous system, there is no
integration between the organs of the body and eventually the body
system collapses. Therefore, NaK pump is vital for the survival of
the being.
- Being a signal transducer/integrater, it regulates the MAPK
pathway along with regulating intracellular calcium.
- Not only nervous system, the function of this pump underlies
most cellular processes. In kidney, the pump is used to maintain
the sodiuma nd potassium balance of plasma which is much critical
for homeostasis.
- The importance of Na+ K+-ATPase pump in heart is explained by
blocking its function in heart. Accumulation of calcium leads to
increase the force of contraction of heart muscle as the sodium
level inside the cell increases.
- It maintains the fluid volume by exerting its effect on
kidney. When high sodium is retained by the
kidney, increaes the blood volume by producing little concentrated
urine. Sodium is the important electrolyte in determining the serum
or plasma osmolality which is the measure of the different solutes
in plasma. Sodium with its corresponding anion like chloride and
bicarbonate and also glucose, and urea determines the omolality.
Osmolality is defined as the number of osmoles per kilogram of
Sodium potassium pump is a transport protein found in your cell
membranes. It transports 2 potassium ions into the cell while
simultaneously moving 3 sodium ions out of the cell. It forms the
concentration gradients by moving the ions against the
concentration , which is used to transmit electrical signals that
travel along nerves. Thereby, it mainatains higher sodium
concentration extracellularly and higher potassium concentration