
In: Computer Science

Blog post about the following: Societal IssuesThe computer and new telecommunications technologies are very useful tools...

Blog post about the following:

Societal IssuesThe computer and new telecommunications technologies are very useful tools in many arenas -business and work, education, home life, and government and politics. Implementation of these tools has dramatically changed the way our society works, learns, plays, and governs. As a tool, the computer and its related technologies can help open doors for you just as books and literacy open doors. Some of these doors include exposure to new knowledge; some include new job opportunities. Some ofthese doors, you will see, open into virtual worlds where you can shop, meet new people, and "live" in what are called virtual communities. However, it is equally important to realize that these doors are not open to everyone and to understand the implications this virtual world can have on our society.You wouldn't dream of sitting in front of a television set eight hours a day, yet many people work (or play) with a computer monitor for that length of time. How has our "addiction" to these machines changed the way we interact with people? Do we have more friends? Do we have fewer friends? Are we more productive at home and at work? Does everyone have access? What part of society hates computers altogether? Let's look at these issues and answer thequestions!How does Society React to Change?When new technological solutions to problems emerge, society will react to that change by first trying to appreciate how the device, or solution, can benefit it personally. In some cases, government offices may be the beneficiaries of more efficient processes, or businesses may incorporate automation to reduce numbers of employees or long waits for customers. Take for example the automated checkout machines now available in stores that allow customers to scan their purchases and make payment for them.The next step is to civilize the change. This means that in order for most people, if not all, to appreciate the benefits, the solution must be fine-tuned. In the automated checkout example, the machines are alllocated next to each other, with a store representative close at hand. This employee was not present in the first implementation, but has since become necessary. Some of the reasons why include: customer difficulties in using the technology, customer theft, and machine malfunction.Compensating the injuredparties is the next step. The stores may have seen reduction in lines, but not without penalty. At least one store employee may have lost a job, having been replaced by the automated cashier. Theftof items may have increased since the customers do their own scanning and bagging, causing a potential loss of revenue for the merchant. Many customers avoid the automated version and choose to stand in long lines due to unfamiliarity or fear of the technology. This has led to a redesign of the implementation. A camera monitors each station to record the transactions in case of theft. A salesperson mans a station close to the machines to assist troubled or confused customers, and as a theft deterrent. This implies that an employee gained back a job, and that the store is striving to reduce its monetary loss due to theft. Balance has been regained.


Expert Solution

Technology has evolved too far. It is good but at the same time there are various reasons why it is proving to be a curse to society. People now-a-days relies too much on technology. The human labor has decreased, I'm sure there will come a time when the humans will become servant of technology. But that does not mean that we should ignore the positive aspects that it is bringing in the society. Let us look at some of the bright side of the technology:

1. Today I saw an advertisement about Samsung Good Vibes. It is such a good and innovative technology. It helps blind and deaf people to communicate with the other person using vibrations. Finally, there is something for such people to help them live independently. They no longer will feel that their voices are not heard or will feel low in public. They can live their life freely without getting dependent on others.

2. A few days back ISRO planned to live cast the landing of satellite on moon. Crores of people watched it live. It was possible because of technology. So many people saw it and got inspired. Although it was unsuccessful, yet there were so many young minds out there who now wants to become a scientist because all those things that they live fascinated them.

3. A very well technology everyone is aware of is Internet. With one click, you can get information about almost everything. You can connect to the people living so far away in just few seconds. It is like Internet has helped us to minimize the distances between people.

4. Online Banking system has evolved so much. All the transactions, transfers, enquiries, everything can be done using a single application within a secured and protected environment.

and many more. If you go on listing the things that proved to be a boon in society, the list is never-ending. But as very well said, a coin always has two sides. The technologies that we consider good, can be bad for some people out there. There are people who misuse things and misguide other people too. Because of them, half of the technologies appears bad. If a person doesn't know how to use a thing, he or she can refer to the person who does so, but because of shyness they don't, and some even encourages others to not use so as they can be 'harmful' for the one.

Yes, there are cases about theft and misusing things but a if a proper care is given to such sensitive matters then the percentage of cases will be cut down by half or even there will come a time when there are no cases of theft, after all, it comes down to one's own thinking about how he wants to use things. The livelihood of many are snatched brutally because of the technology, agreed! But at the same time may more opportunities are created too. The technology yet needs human labor. Because it is us, who has to continuously monitor and keep the technology sane. Without us, the technology will most probably get corrupted. It all depends upon us, we, as a human, can achieve wonders and destroy it too at the same time.

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