
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Why is it important to focus on the autonomic nervous system when considering disease states?

Why is it important to focus on the autonomic nervous system when considering disease states?


Expert Solution

Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a part of the peripheral nervous system and it is divided into two types,

· Sympathetic nervous system

· Parasympathetic nervous system

The sympathetic division of ANS is also called as the thoraco-lumbar division, as it contains the preganglionic neurons of the thoraco-lumbar outflow. The sympathetic nervous system is concerned with preparing the organism for emergency (fight or flight).

The parasympathetic division of ANS is also called as the cranio-sacral division, as it contains the preganglionic neurons of the cranio-sacral outflow. It is mostly concerned with vegetative functions, such as motility and secretions of gastrointestinal tract. This system is essential for normal existence (rest and digest).

Most of the functions regulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic dvisions of the ANS are antagonistic to each other.

Many of the diseases occur due to or can result in an imbalance in the sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. For example, increased, decreased or disturbed sympathetic activity is associated with all the cardiovascular diseases. Similarly, the disturbed parasympathetic activity is associated with most of the diseases of the digestive system and metabolic diseases. So, it is important to focus on autonomic nervous system when studying diseases.

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