
In: Biology

Apply your knowledge of the autonomic nervous system explain why your stomach may ache if you...

Apply your knowledge of the autonomic nervous system explain why your stomach may ache if you exercise after a meal


Expert Solution


ANS is the portion of the nervous system that operates the comparative secrecy , manages a multitude of unconscious process and regulate homeostasis. Controls glands, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle also called visceral motor system. Viscera and thoracic duct of the abdominal cavities are the primary organs of ANS.They are responsible for involuntary or visceral bodily function such as cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, urinary ,stress etc. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system comes under ANS.Sympathetic nervous deals with flight and fight and parasympathetic nervous system deals with rest and digestion and counter balance sympathetic function. Sympathetic nervous system functions in stomach are thatof peristalsis is reduced, Sphincters closed and in intestine peristalsis and tone decreased and vasoconstriction occurs.Cellbodies of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are found in the nuclei of brain stem. Parasympathetic outflow from preganglionic axons to cranial nerves

Somatic motor neurons

1. Striated muscle for voluntary effect

2. Single motor neuron between spinal cord and target organ

3. Neurotransmitters always stimulatory

4. ACH released

5. No Firing at rest


6. Effector at rest is flaccid

Autonomic motor neurons

Smooth cardiac muscles and glands for involuntary effect

Double motor neuron between spinal cord and target organ

They may be stimulatory or inhibitory

ACH &NE released

Speeds up when stimulated

Effector at rest has intrinsic tone

Reason for stomach ache if perform exercise after meals

Significant blood flow is directed towards stomach to facilitate the digestive process. Therefore the digestive process gets affected and cramping occurs in the abdominal area. Body focuses more on muscles rather than stomach and the stomach feel heavy and bloated. So Exercise two hours after meal.Autonomic nerves system are integrated with visceralsensory pathways responsible for the homeostasis of gut function

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