
In: Operations Management

Entrepreneurs and innovators need to persuade other people to become involved, create effective teams, make new...

Entrepreneurs and innovators need to persuade other people to become involved, create effective teams, make new network connections and negotiate the terms of the resulting relationships.

I. Discuss the concept of positional negotiation/ bargaining 150 words

II. Discuss the different types of positional negotiation/ bargaining 150 words

III. Discuss the different flaws and limitations of positional negotiation/ bargaining (150 words


Expert Solution

1. It is a type of negotiation based on their positions. In this one party will have his desired result while the other party has to forgo something for making the deal. It becomes sometimes difficult for both the parties to arrive at a concrete solution. For arriving at a solution it is very much needed to access the position of both the parties, their wants and demands and the point they are arguing for. In this type of bargaining or negotiation, conversation in person or physically is more effective than any other media of communication. So for arriving at a condition, both the parties should try to find out the best alternative solution, where both the parties will be benefitted. In this type of bargaining, one party will be in an advantageous position, while the other's advantage is that of slightly less than that of the other party. Both the parties in this case, look for their beneficial alternative and focuses on one target. One of the thumb rule of positional bargaining is to avoid any rudeness and instead ask for the reason why the other party is not agreeing to the condition. If the party is able to meet the query of the reluctant party in a satisfactory way, the solution to the problem is achieved.

2. Two types of positional negotiation/ bargaining are- low bargaining power and high bargaining power. The person with low bargaining power will try to give special offers for persuading the other party in the deal. The party with low bargaining power is not rigid and is ready to compromise with the situation. In this the parties do not want to exert any pressure on the other party for closing the deal. The person with high bargaining power in the negotiation tries to win the bargain and is quite rigid in his terms, not willing to compromise in any terms.  The person with high bargaining power will try to stick to their positions and will be adamant  on their point.

3. Different flaws and limitations of positional negotiation/ bargaining are-

1. Lose their actual aim- Sometimes in this type of bargaining, the parties are so engrossed in keeping their points that they actually deviate from the main point. This may lead to a conflicting situation. Each party wants to win at any cost.

2. Natural offers- In this type of budgeting, sometimes, some unnatural high offers were made to arrive at a conclusion. The offers at which the solution is reached are too high. As neither party wants to lose, one party tries to win the game by placing unrealistic offer.

3. Bad influence- This bargaining generally causes degradation in a relationship. Both the parties try their best to win and in this effort they may hurt each other's feelings.

4. Only one point agenda- Both the parties want the settlement, but sometimes may overlook many other important, influential factors, which in turn later may led to problems.

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