
In: Electrical Engineering

Write a MATLAB code to obtain the following. Keep your code commented whenever required. Copy your...

Write a MATLAB code to obtain the following. Keep your code commented whenever required. Copy your source code and command widow outcomes and screen shots of any plots in your solution.

Generate the following vectors and also implement the Table-1 operations-map by employing the switch statement and an appropriate loop.

  • Generate a vector ‘DEC1’ as follow.

DEC1 =

5     1     3     0     2    5     0     2

  • Concatenate vector ‘DEC1’ eight times in order to obtain a bigger row vector ‘DEC’
  • N = The length of vector DEC
  • Generate a vector t with ‘N’ equally spaced values within the range of 0 to 1
  • x = round of 26sin(2π9t).
  • y = ‘x’ multiply by 2.





Res(ind)= x(ind) multiply by y(ind)


Res(ind)= x(ind) divided by y(ind)


Res(ind)= square root of [x(ind).y(ind)]


Res(ind)= x(ind) subtract from y(ind)


Res(ind)= x(ind) add to y(ind)

* In Table-1, ind is presenting the vector index.


Expert Solution

The Matlab Code is as follows:

DEC1=[5 1 3 0 2 5 0 2]       % Generates the vector DEC1 with the given values
DEC = [DEC1 DEC1 DEC1 DEC1 DEC1 DEC1 DEC1 DEC1]   %Concatenate the 'DEC1' 8 times to obtain 'DEC'
N = length(DEC)   % Finding length of vector 'DEC'
t = 0:(1/N):1   %Generating vector t with 'N' equally spaced values within the range of 0 to 1
x = round(26*sin(2*pi*9*t))       % round off the result of 26sin(2pi9t)
y=x*2   % y = 'x'multiply by 2
%For loop for defining Table1 ind values 0 1 2 3 4 5
for ind=0:5
switch ind
   % the index of vector is positive in matlab
   case 0    % for ind = 0
       Res(ind+1)=x(ind+1)*y(ind+1)           % first element
   case 1   % for ind = 1              
       Res(ind+1)=x(ind+1)/y(ind+1)           % second element
   case 2   % for ind = 2              
       Res(ind+1)=sqrt(x(ind+1)*y(ind+1))       % third element
   case 3   % for ind = 3              
       Res(ind+1)=y(ind+1)-x(ind+1)            % fourth element
   case 5   % for ind = 5              
       Res(ind+1)=x(ind+1)+y(ind+1)           % sixth element


DEC1 =

   5   1   3   0   2   5   0   2


 Columns 1 through 20:

   5   1   3   0   2   5   0   2   5   1   3   0   2   5   0   2   5   1   3   0

 Columns 21 through 40:

   2   5   0   2   5   1   3   0   2   5   0   2   5   1   3   0   2   5   0   2

 Columns 41 through 60:

   5   1   3   0   2   5   0   2   5   1   3   0   2   5   0   2   5   1   3   0

 Columns 61 through 64:

   2   5   0   2

N = 64
t =

 Columns 1 through 8:

         0    0.0156    0.0312    0.0469    0.0625    0.0781    0.0938    0.1094

 Columns 9 through 16:

    0.1250    0.1406    0.1562    0.1719    0.1875    0.2031    0.2188    0.2344

 Columns 17 through 24:

    0.2500    0.2656    0.2812    0.2969    0.3125    0.3281    0.3438    0.3594

 Columns 25 through 32:

    0.3750    0.3906    0.4062    0.4219    0.4375    0.4531    0.4688    0.4844

 Columns 33 through 40:

    0.5000    0.5156    0.5312    0.5469    0.5625    0.5781    0.5938    0.6094

 Columns 41 through 48:

    0.6250    0.6406    0.6562    0.6719    0.6875    0.7031    0.7188    0.7344

 Columns 49 through 56:

    0.7500    0.7656    0.7812    0.7969    0.8125    0.8281    0.8438    0.8594

 Columns 57 through 64:

    0.8750    0.8906    0.9062    0.9219    0.9375    0.9531    0.9688    0.9844

 Column 65:


x =

 Columns 1 through 16:

    0   20   26   12  -10  -25  -22   -3   18   26   14   -8  -24  -23   -5   16

 Columns 17 through 32:

   26   16   -5  -23  -24   -8   14   26   18   -3  -22  -25  -10   12   26   20

 Columns 33 through 48:

    0  -20  -26  -12   10   25   22    3  -18  -26  -14    8   24   23    5  -16

 Columns 49 through 64:

  -26  -16    5   23   24    8  -14  -26  -18    3   22   25   10  -12  -26  -20

 Column 65:


y =

 Columns 1 through 16:

    0   40   52   24  -20  -50  -44   -6   36   52   28  -16  -48  -46  -10   32

 Columns 17 through 32:

   52   32  -10  -46  -48  -16   28   52   36   -6  -44  -50  -20   24   52   40

 Columns 33 through 48:

    0  -40  -52  -24   20   50   44    6  -36  -52  -28   16   48   46   10  -32

 Columns 49 through 64:

  -52  -32   10   46   48   16  -28  -52  -36    6   44   50   20  -24  -52  -40

 Column 65:


Res = 0
Res =

        0   0.5000

Res =

         0    0.5000   36.7696

Res =

         0    0.5000   36.7696   12.0000

Res =

         0    0.5000   36.7696   12.0000         0  -75.0000

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