
In: Operations Management

List at least three jobs and research the organizations' recruiting practices. The jobs could be positions...

List at least three jobs and research the organizations' recruiting practices. The jobs could be positions you have held or of those you want to hold. In your post, address the following questions:

  • How were you recruited for each position (or how is the typical employee recruited)?
  • From the organization’s perspective, what are the pros and cons of recruiting through these methods?


Expert Solution

ABC Ltd has vacancies for three posts. These jobs, their recruitment methods and various pros & cons related to them are mentioned below –

  1. Sales Executive

Job Description - Person has to initiate the sale of company’s products and services.

Method of recruiting

Employment exchanges: ABC Ltd takes help of recruitment agencies and then takes personal interviews of the selected candidates.


  • Reduces the time wastage of assessing lots of resumes and calling candidates for interview. All of that is done by the employment exchanges.
  • Bring good talent as employment exchanges contact many people before actually calling them for interview.
  • Reliable as they check all the references before selecting candidate for interview.


  • It is expensive source of recruitment as the company have to pay fixed percentage of amount to employment exchanges.
  • Applicant can feel that this is a longer procedure than directly applying for any post in company.

2. Finance Manager

Job Description – Person has to manage the team of 80 people and has to manage the payment to clients on timely basis by coordinating with team.

Method of recruiting – Online Assessment and Personal Interview

Pros – Online assessment saves a lot of time for the company as it eliminates the candidates who are just applying for enquiry and only the interested candidates are called for personal interview.

Cons – This does not check the professional excellence of people. As some people who might have more good skills could be eliminated through online assessment.

3. Admin –

Job Description – Person has to manage the entire operations of company and coordinate with all the departments.

Method of recruiting – Walk in interviews


  • It brings variety of talent with different skills and knowledge.
  • It saves a lot of cost for the company.


  • It would be a highly time consuming process to go through all the candidate’s resumes and check the authenticity of details.
  • Interviewers have no information about the candidate. They will only judge on the basis of resume.

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