
In: Computer Science

this is my linkedlist and to insert a new element in it , however i want...

this is my linkedlist and to insert a new element in it , however i want it to be user entered linkedlist

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;


// A linked list Node

struct Node {

    int data;

    struct Node* next;



// Size of linked list

int size = 0;


// function to create and return a Node

Node* getNode(int data)


    // allocating space

    Node* newNode = new Node();


    // inserting the required data

    newNode->data = data;

    newNode->next = NULL;

    return newNode;



// function to insert a Node at required position

void insertPos(Node** current, int pos, int data)


    // This condition to check whether the

    // position given is valid or not.

    if (pos < 1 || pos > size + 1)

        cout << "Invalid position!" << endl;

    else {


        // Keep looping until the pos is zero

        while (pos--) {


            if (pos == 0) {


                // adding Node at required position

                Node* temp = getNode(data);


                // Making the new Node to point to

                // the old Node at the same position

                temp->next = *current;


                // Changing the pointer of the Node previous

                // to the old Node to point to the new Node

                *current = temp;



              // Assign double pointer variable to point to the

              // pointer pointing to the address of next Node

              current = &(*current)->next;






// This function prints contents

// of the linked list

void printList(struct Node* head)


    while (head != NULL) {

        cout << " " << head->data;

        head = head->next;


    cout << endl;



// Driver Code

int main()


    // Creating the list 3->5->8->10

    Node* head = NULL;

    head = getNode(3);

    head->next = getNode(5);

    head->next->next = getNode(8);

    head->next->next->next = getNode(10);


    size = 4;


    cout << "Linked list before insertion: ";



    int data = 12, pos = 3;

    insertPos(&head, pos, data);

    cout << "Linked list after insertion of 12 at position 3: ";



    // front of the linked list

    data = 1, pos = 1;

    insertPos(&head, pos, data);

    cout << "Linked list after insertion of 1 at position 1: ";



    // insetion at end of the linked list

    data = 15, pos = 7;

    insertPos(&head, pos, data);

    cout << "Linked list after insertion of 15 at position 7: ";



    return 0;



Expert Solution

Not sure if just linkedlist is user-entered or the insertion is also user-specified. Both of them implemented, please change the insertion part to original if it is not required. Hope it helps!

The input is assuming the linked list data to be in a single line and the next lines are input for insertion in linkedlist.

The edited code is in bold.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// A linked list Node
struct Node {

int data;
struct Node* next;


// Size of linked list
int size = 0;

// function to create and return a Node
Node* getNode(int data)

// allocating space
Node* newNode = new Node();

// inserting the required data
newNode->data = data;

newNode->next = NULL;

return newNode;


// function to insert a Node at required position
void insertPos(Node** current, int pos, int data)

// This condition to check whether the
// position given is valid or not.

if (pos < 1 || pos > size + 1)
cout << "Invalid position!" << endl;
else {
// Keep looping until the pos is zero
while (pos--) {

if (pos == 0) {

// adding Node at required position
Node* temp = getNode(data);

// Making the new Node to point to
// the old Node at the same position
temp->next = *current;

// Changing the pointer of the Node previous
// to the old Node to point to the new Node
*current = temp;

// Assign double pointer variable to point to the
// pointer pointing to the address of next Node
current = &(*current)->next;



// This function prints contents
// of the linked list
void printList(struct Node* head)

while (head != NULL) {
cout << " " << head->data;
head = head->next;

cout << endl;


// Driver Code
int main()

   // Creating an empty
   Node* head = NULL;
   int size, val;
   string line;
   cout<<"Enter size of linked list: ";
   // pass the iterator value as the position
   // at which number is to be inserted
   for(int i=1;i<=size;i++) {
       cin>>val;   // input element
       insertPos(&head, i, val);
   cout << "Linked list before insertion: ";
   // insertion part-----------------------------------------------------------
   int data, pos;
   while(true) {
   // ask user if they want to insert a number
   cout<<"Enter y|Y if data is to be inserted, otherwise enter anything: ";
   // insertion
   if(line == "y" || line == "Y") {
   cout<<"Enter data and position: ";
   // insert element
   insertPos(&head, pos, data);
   cout << "Linked list after insertion of "<<data<<" at position "<<pos<<": ";
   } else {
   // come out of the loop if insertion is completed

   return 0;

Sample Output:

Code snippet screenshot:

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