
In: Computer Science

I am trying to create my own doubly linkedlist class and here is what I have...

I am trying to create my own doubly linkedlist class and here is what I have so far. my addfirst is adding elements forever and ever, and I could use some help. This is in C++. Please help me complete my doubly linkedlist class. the addfirst method is what I would like to complete.

#ifndef DLLIST_H
#define DLLIST_H
#include "node.h"
using namespace std;
class DLList

    Node* head = nullptr;
    Node* tail = nullptr;
    T data;
    // private DLList stuff goes here
    // public DLList stuff goes here
    DLList(const DLList&L);
    DLList& operator=(const DLList &L);
    void addFirst(T data);
    void addElement(int position, T data);
    void remove(int position);
    void printElements();
    void removeFirst();
    bool exists(T value);
    head = nullptr;
    tail = nullptr;
    this ->data = data;

DLList::DLList(const DLList&L){
     L.head = head;
     while(L.head != nullptr){ = head->data;
         head = head -> next;
     L.tail = tail; = data;

DLList&DLList::operator=(const DLList &L){
     L.head = head;
     while(L.head != nullptr){ = head->data;
         head = head -> next;
     L.tail = tail; = data;



void DLList::printElements(){
      Node* curr = head;
      while(curr != nullptr){
          cout << curr->data;

//create new node
//set appropriate data
//set next to current head
//set nodes prev to nullptr
//set past heads previous to node
void DLList::addFirst(T data){
     Node* node = new Node();
     if(head == nullptr){
         head = node;
         head -> next = nullptr;
         head -> prev = nullptr;
     node -> next = head;
     node -> prev = nullptr;
     head -> prev = node;

//create node with data
//traverse to find the area to insert
//adjust the pointers
void DLList::addElement(int position,T data){
    Node* node = new Node();
    Node* curr = new Node();
    curr -> head;
    for(int i = 0; i < position - 1; i++){
         curr = curr -> next;
    node -> prev = curr -> prev;
    curr -> prev = node;
    node -> next = curr;
    node -> prev -> next = node;


void DLList::remove(int position){
     Node* curr = head;
     Node* next = curr;
     for(int i = 0; i < position - 1; i++){
         curr = curr -> next;
     curr -> prev = nullptr;
     curr -> next = nullptr;
     curr -> prev -> next = curr -> next;

void DLList::removeFirst(){
   Node* curr = head;
   curr -> next -> prev = nullptr;
   curr -> next = nullptr;


bool DLList::exists(T value){
    Node* curr = head;
    while(curr != nullptr){
        if(curr->data == value){
            return true;
       curr = curr-> next;
    return false;

#endif // DLLLIST_H

//here is my node class for reference.

#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H
using namespace std;
class Node{
    T data;
    Node* next;
    Node* prev;
    friend class DLList;
    Node(const Node& N);
    T& getData();
    void setData(T data);
    Node* getNext();
    Node* getPrev();
    Node(T val):next(nullptr),prev(nullptr),data(val){}
    Node(const Node& rhs):next(nullptr),prev(nullptr),data({}

    next = nullptr;
    prev = nullptr;

Node::Node(const Node& N){ = next;
    N.prev = prev; = data;

T& Node ::getData(){
    return data;

void Node:: setData(T data){
    this -> data = data;

Node* Node::getNext(){
   return next;

Node* Node::getPrev(){
    return prev;

Node::Node(T data){
     this->data = data;

T Node::getData(){
    return this -> data;



#endif // NODE_H


Expert Solution

Assuming addFirst() adds an element to the beginning of your DLL, I found a few logical errors.

Firstly, you didn't update your tail while adding an element to your new list ( you only updated the head) which causes the tail to keep pointing to NULL. This may lead to issues elsewhere.

Secondly, whenever adding an element to an existing list, you have not updated the head.

Please see the updated snippet:

void DLList::addFirst(T data){
Node* node = new Node();
if(head == nullptr){
head = node;
head -> next = nullptr;
head -> prev = nullptr;

tail = node; //update tail if first element
//tail = x; //I mistyped x instead of node
node -> next = head;
node -> prev = nullptr;
head -> prev = node;
head = node; //update head

Lastly, I found issues with your print function. You didn't change the value of curr, which was causing your infinite loop.

void DLList::printElements(){
Node* curr = head;
while(curr != nullptr){
cout << curr->data;
curr = curr->next; //traverse to the next node / nullptr


As you only requested help for the addFirst(), I have not tested the other methods.

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