In: Statistics and Probability
A technical engineer is interested in understanding the battery life of two different laptops for student usage at a community college in California. The two models he has are Madroid and Krapple. He randomly assigned students to one of the laptop models and recorded the number of minutes the students were able to use the computer until the battery ran out. Below is the data collected.
Student # | Madroid | Krapple |
1 | 540 | 575 |
2 | 380 | 525 |
3 | 420 | 583 |
4 | 480 | 680 |
5 | 530 | 628 |
6 | 467 | 680 |
7 | 465 | 640 |
8 | 498 | 630 |
9 | 482 | 725 |
10 | 309 | 780 |
11 | 609 | 530 |
12 | 504 | 280 |
13 | 590 | 350 |
14 | 403 | 376 |
15 | 602 | 540 |
Does the technical engineer have statistically significant evidence to present to the university budget committee to purchase Krapple because it has, on average, a longer battery life?
Provide the p-value from your analysis
Here we have paired data so paired t test should be used.
Let d = Krapple - Madroid
Following table shows the calculations:
Krapple | Madroid | d | (d-mean)^2 |
575 | 540 | 35 | 2291.5369 |
525 | 380 | 145 | 3860.1369 |
583 | 420 | 163 | 6420.8169 |
680 | 480 | 200 | 13719.4369 |
628 | 530 | 98 | 228.9169 |
680 | 467 | 213 | 16933.8169 |
640 | 465 | 175 | 8487.9369 |
630 | 498 | 132 | 2413.7569 |
725 | 482 | 243 | 25641.6169 |
780 | 309 | 471 | 150644.8969 |
530 | 609 | -79 | 26201.8969 |
280 | 504 | -224 | 94169.1969 |
350 | 590 | -240 | 104245.0369 |
376 | 403 | -27 | 12071.4169 |
540 | 602 | -62 | 20987.3169 |
Total | 1243 | 488317.7335 |
Conclusion: The technical engineer do not have statistically significant evidence to present to the university budget committee to purchase Krapple because it has, on average, a longer battery life.
P-value = 0.0538