
In: Computer Science

You operate several BurgerStands distributed throughout town. Define a class named BurgerStand that has a member...

  1. You operate several BurgerStands distributed throughout town. Define a class named BurgerStand that has a member variable for the burger stand's id number and member variable for how many burgers that stand sold that day.

  1. create a constructor that allows user of the class to initialize values for id number and for how many burgers sold that day and a destructor
  2. create a function named justsold that show increments of the number of burgers the stand has sold by one. (This function will invoked each time the stand sells a burger so that you can track the total number of burgers sold by the stand. And returns the number of burgers sold.)
  3. create a function that calculate the total number of burgers sold by all stands.
  4. write in a data file, the list of burger stands and the total number of burgers sold by all stands.



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The Result of the above program is as below:

Please go thorugh it and let me know if need any further assistence on this code. Am glad to help you if any.. If you need this file in text file. please let me know..

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