
In: Computer Science

Draw UML diagram Define a class named Document that contains a member variable of type string...

Draw UML diagram
Define a class named Document that contains a member variable of type string named text that stores any textual content for the document. Create a function named getText that returns the text field and a way to set this value.
Next, define a class for Email that is derived from Document and that includes member variables for the sender , recipient , and title of an e-mail message. Implement appropriate accessor and mutator functions. The body of the e-mail message should be stored in the inherited variable text .
Similarly, define a class for File that is derived from Document and that includes a member variable for the pathname. Implement appropriate accessor and mutator functions for the pathname.
Each class should have a display function to display the complete contents.
Create a class Author with name and id. Author is responsible to create the document. It means every document should have an author.
Create a class Administrator with name and id. Administrator can delete the document if he finds these words (“corrupt, liar, dishonest”) in the document text.
Finally, create several sample objects of type Email and File in your main function. Test your objects by creating a test program. Also create relationships with author and administrator with document.


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Please find below the steps to construct the class diagram:

1. Creating classes:

The system will have below classes:

i. Document: This class has below members and methods:

ii. Email : This class will have below methods and members:

iii. File: This class will have below members and methods:

iv. Author: This class will have below methods and members:

v. Administrator: This class will have below methods and members:

2. Identifying relationship:

a) Document class is super class to below classes:

i. File Class

ii. Email Class

b) Document is written by one Author and an author can have written many Documents. It is a M:1 multiplicity relationship.

c) Document is deleted by none or one Administrator and an administrator can delete none or many Documents, this is a M:1 relationship.

3. Create Diagram:

4. Notations in Class diagram:

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