
In: Computer Science

write the code in python Design a class named PersonData with the following member variables: lastName...

write the code in python

Design a class named PersonData with the following member variables:

  • lastName
  • firstName
  • address
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • phone

Write the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for these member variables. Next, design a class named CustomerData , which is derived from the PersonData class. The CustomerData class should have the following member variables:

  • customerNumber
  • mailingList

The customerNumber variable will be used to hold a unique integer for each customer. The mailingList variable should be a bool . It will be set to true if the customer wishes to be on a mailing list, or false if the customer does not wish to be on a mail-ing list. Write appropriate accessor and mutator functions for these member variables.

Next write a program which demonstrates an object of the CustomerData class in a program. Your program MUST use exception handling. You can choose how to implement the exception handling. Organize your non object oriented code into a main function


Expert Solution

Thanks for the question. Below is the code you will be needing. Let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. 

Let me know for any help with any other questions.

Thank You!


class PersonData():

    def __init__(self, lastName, firstName, address, city, state, zip, phone):
        self.__last_name = lastName
        self.__first_name = firstName
        self.__address = address
        self.__city = city
        self.__state = state
        self.__zip_code = zip
        self.__phone = phone

    def get_last_name(self): return self.__last_name

    def get_first_name(self): return self.__first_name

    def get_address(self): return self.__address

    def get_city(self): return self.__city

    def get_state(self): return self.__state

    def get_zip(self): return self.__zip_code

    def get_phone(self): return self.__phone

    def set_first_name(self, fname): self.__first_name = fname

    def set_last_name(self, lname): self.__last_name = lname

    def set_address(self, address): self.__address = address

    def set_city(self, city): self.__city = city

    def set_state(self, state): self.__state = state

    def set_zip(self, code): self.__zip_code = code

    def set_phone(self, phone): self.__phone = phone

class CustomerData(PersonData):
    customers = []

    def __init__(self, lastName, firstName, address, city, state, zip, phone, customerNum, mailingList):
        super().__init__(lastName, firstName, address, city, state, zip, phone)
        if customerNum in CustomerData.customers:
            raise ValueError('Duplicate Customer with the same ID already exist.')
        self.__customer_number = customerNum
        self.__mailing_list = mailingList

    def get_customer_number(self):
        return self.__customer_number

    def get_mailing_list(self):
        return self.__mailing_list

    def set_customer_number(self, customerNum):
        if customerNum in CustomerData.customers:
            raise ValueError('Duplicate Customer with the same ID already exist.')
        self.__customer_number = customerNum

    def set_mailing_list(self, mail):
        self.__mailing_list = mail

def main():
    john = CustomerData('Smith', 'John', '123 Main St', 'New York', 'New York', 12345, '123-456-7890', 123, True)
        # peter also has the same customer id as john which is 123
        peter = CustomerData('Gomez', 'Peter', '345 Main St', 'New York', 'New York', 12345, '123-456-7890', 123, True)
    except ValueError as e:

    print('Details of a Customer')
    print('Full Name:',john.get_first_name(),john.get_last_name())
    print('State:',john.get_state(),'Zip code:',john.get_zip())
    print('Contact Number:',john.get_phone())



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