
In: Computer Science

1. Define a class named Book that contains:  An int data field named pages that...

1. Define a class named Book that contains:
 An int data field named pages that stores the number of pages in the book.
 A String data field named title that represents the title of the book.
 A constructor with parameters for initializing pages and title.
 The getter and setter methods for all data fields.
 A toString method that returns book information, including the book title and pages.
 The equals method that returns true if two books have the same title and the same number of pages.
 The compareTo method that compares two books and returns -1 if the first book has less pages than the second one, 1 if the first book has more pages than the second one, and 0 if both books have same number of pages.
2. Write an application TestBooks that asks the user for a number of books read during summer. The application repeatedly creates that many book objects, and then prints to the screen information about the “smallest” book, (i.e. the book with the smallest number of pages), as well as the average number of pages per book read.
Hint: Have counter variables pageSum and numBooks for keeping track of the total number of pages and the number of books. Other variables you may want to consider having are pages and title, for creating a new book object every time the user enters the page and title data.
This program should make use of the compareTo method from Part 1 and a for-loop.


Expert Solution

public class Book{
    private int pages;
    private String title;
    Book(int pages, String title){
    public int getPages(){
        return this.pages;
    public void setPages(int pages){
    public String getTitle(){
        return this.title;
    public void setTitle(int pages){
    public String toString(){
        return "Title : "+this.title+", Number of Pages : "+this.pages;
    public boolean equals(Book test){
        return (this.title==test.title)&&(this.pages==test.pages);
    public int compareTo(Book test){
            return 0;
        else if(this.pages<test.pages)
            return -1;
            return 1;

import java.util.*;

class TestBooks{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        //declare variables to store total pages, number of books and average pages
        int pageSum, numBooks, averagePages;
        //scanner object to read from console
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        //prompt user to enter number of books
        System.out.print("Enter number of books to read in summer: ");
        //read number of books from user
        //take care of new line entry after int entry
        //create array of books
        Book[] books = new Book[numBooks];
        //initialize pageSum to 0
        //loop through the array to create books
        for(int i=0;i<numBooks;i++){
            //prompt user to enter title
            System.out.print("Enter title for Book " + (i+1) + ": ");
            String title = sc.nextLine();
            //prompt user to enter tnumber of pages
            System.out.print("Enter number of pages for Book " + (i+1) + ": ");
            int pages=sc.nextInt();
            //take care of new line entry after int entry
            //create new book object
            books[i]=new Book(pages, title);
            //add pages to our pageSum variable
        //calculate avergae
        //calculate smallest book
        Book smallestBook = books[0];
        //compare with all other books
        for(int i=1;i<numBooks;i++){
        //print smallest book 
        System.out.println("Smallest book is:  " + smallestBook.toString());
        //print number of pages 
        System.out.println("Average number of pages in the book = " + averagePages);

Console Input/Output Screenshot

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