In: Anatomy and Physiology
How does the time it takes to diffuse a certain distance change as the radius of the particle increases?
Diffusion time of the particle will definetely depends upon the particle radius
Diffusiion over a distance can be expressed as
x2 = qiDt
where X is the mean displacement of the particle
qi is the numerical constant
D is the diffusion coefficient
t is the time taken by the particle to diffuse the x displacement
if the mean displacement is contant then,
Diffusion coefficient(D) is inversly proportional to the time(t)
Diffusion coefficent depends upon the frictional force of the particle
D = (1/f)kT
f is the frictioanal force and k, T, - Boltzman constant, absolute temperature
frictional force f = f = 6pi *n*r
where n is the viscosity and r is the radius of the particle,
as the radius of the particle increases, the frictional force increases.When the frictional force increases the Diffusion coefficient (D) decreases.
Diffusion coefficient(D) is inversly proportional to the time(t)
So, the diffuison time will increases
diffusion time will increases with increase in the size of the particle