
In: Operations Management

The world post Covid 19 has created the concept of social distancing which will impact on...

The world post Covid 19 has created the concept of social distancing which will impact on the way we do business. Online purchasing is expected to increase because it will reduce human interaction and contribute to the reduction of Covid 19 related illnesses. However, online purchases have created contemporary legal issues which may be a novel for most legal systems in several Caribbean Countries.

You are required to

critically discuss the concept of online purchases and the various methods used in online transactions with supporting case laws. Secondly, critically discuss FIVE (5) CONTEMPORY CASE LAWS related to online purchasing at the International Level, focusing on the judgements handed down in those cases and most importantly how do you think that will impact on the Caribbean online purchaser. Finally, bearing in mind your answers above; what do you think (your opinion) that Caribbean Governments can initiate via its legal systems to enhance and protect online purchasers legal rights?


Expert Solution

The online purchases created contemporary legal issues that may be a novel for most of the legal systems in Caribbean countries. The issues are discussed below:

1.Laws and the privacy policy: Most of the jurisdictions have privacy legislation that requires to notify people before collecting personal information. UK has extensive permissible laws for those people who would purchase some products from someone. There are many countries that used to cover some online privacy and there they need the following disclosure statements:

1.The type of information a website or any online marketing tactics used to collect.

2.The way to share the information.

3.The process through which a customer can change the information they have provided earlier.

4.The effective date of policies along with change if any.

The best way is to comply a setting up of privacy policy on the website and requiring the customers to agree the same after the seller collects information from them.

2.Security and Cloud Storage:

It plays a vital role to give an assurance to customers that when the saler collected the information, he should keep those securely. A building of trust is very important in this scenario. For example using of security mechanisms like SSL,that is the connection between the sellers website and the browser of the user is secure when the data would be transmitted.

Business owners in the Caribbean have developed websites, Facebook pages along with mobile sites to reach their local clients who are increasingly online and connected. The next step for those merchants is e-commerce, and completing sales directly online. Merchants are required to work with payment processors that used to operate regionally or globally and also provide the merchant account and the technology for integrating into a merchant's website. They would also provide tools for tracking and analysis of sales.

A merchant's payment processing options are entirely dependent upon the country where their company is legally domiciled.

Authentication is vital to secure e-commerce transactions in which we would send private and confidential information over the Internet and first want to verify the identity of receiving. Server authentication would allow to confirm a web server's identity. The browser can automatically check that a server's certificate and public ID are valid in nature and have been issued by a certificate authority (CA), for example VeriSign.

An encrypted connection would require all information being sent between the computer and the servers to be encrypted by the sender and decrypted by the receiver. This would protect private information from being intercepted over the Internet. This means that we can share personal data (like account information) , trusting that the banks and institutions will remain private and confidential.

Names of the cases related to online shopping, online purchases or ecommerce:  

1.The inordinate build plan:

Richard Lazazzera was a portion of Shopify's Growth Team. This team assisted the platform grow from 60,000 to 200,000 traders.

Important Takeaway:

The 6 essentials that Richard stated in his post are fanciful. There are Lou falls that on-line entrepreneur's failure in their rush to build their stock and sell quickly, which Richard pointed out here.

Fixing those areas are important.  

2.Attractive iPhone cases are in great quantities, but really useful and practical iPhone cases?

Key Take-out

Just look the followings:

Studied & trained in this occupation around 10 years.

The largest business challenges are most people want to make as an entrepreneurship with lack of knowledge of that business systematically. So, they usually fail.

3.Social media marketing:

Diamond Candles is a company that used to offer scented, and soy-based candles that consists of a ring at the bottom. This tends to make them popular due to the excitement of potentially winning the prize, and customers like it.Instead of purchasing the ads online for driving sales to their business, their predominant marketing strategy tends to utilize referrals and social media.The customers are the greatest ambassadors. There is a need to find a way to incentivize them to spread word-of-mouth for the organization. This would not only increase the reach to potential customers, but would also improve customer loyalty.

4.Noah recalled how he helped Daniel Bliss, who was a postal worker, turn his hobby into a real ecommerce business that would make $4,000 a month. Prior to meeting Noah, Daniel already sourced a manufacturer and has set up his own website for selling his shades. He was also off to a good start of having sold 12 pairs of shades to people under his climbing group.This marketing case study was less about the specific marketing strategy so much as it's about the entire business process. Reverse engineer is the number of sales one need, trying different tactics, reviewing them and doubling down on those that worked for you.

5. How approximately 1000 dollar can be earned in 3 days by Scratching?

Some people believe it will be too much time to establish an on-line business.

There are so many tasks to establish on-line businesses like Website, Domain, Content, Sourcing of Customer, launching, branding etc.

Is it possible to do it up in 3 days?

It is possible, if anybody heartily, to go through the guidelines of this business.

Richard Lazazzera used to do this challenge and performed.

Vital Takeaway:

Structuring an on-line store or any business, is a conclusion of many small choices. Fixing those choices fast and push onward.

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