
In: Statistics and Probability

Develop the analysis of variance computations for the following completely randomized design. At α = 0.05,...

Develop the analysis of variance computations for the following completely randomized design. At α = 0.05, is there a significant difference between the treatment means?

136 108 92
119 115 81
112 124 85
107 103 102
131 107 88
113 108 118
129 96 111
113 115 120
103 97
81 106


120 106 100


112.86 137.56 187.56

State the null and alternative hypotheses.

H0: μA = μB = μC
Ha: μAμBμCH0: μAμBμC
Ha: μA = μB = μC     H0: μA = μB = μC
Ha: Not all the population means are equal.H0: At least two of the population means are equal.
Ha: At least two of the population means are different.H0: Not all the population means are equal.
Ha: μA = μB = μC

Find the value of the test statistic. (Round your answer to two decimal places.)

Find the p-value. (Round your answer to four decimal places.)

p-value =

State your conclusion.

Do not reject H0. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the means of the three treatments are not equal.Do not reject H0. There is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the means of the three treatments are not equal.     Reject H0. There is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the means of the three treatments are not equal.Reject H0. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the means of the three treatments are not equal.


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Correct option:




From the given data, the following Table is constructed.

Treatment A Treatment B Treatment C Total
N 8 10 10 28
960 1060 1000 3020
Mean 960/8=120 1060/10=106 1000/10=100 3020/28=107.857
115990 113598 101688 331276
Std. Dev. 10.6234 11.7284 13.6951 14.3339

From the above Table, ANOVA Table is calculated as follows:

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Sum of Squares F
Between treatments 1831.4286 2 1831.4286/2=915.7143 915.7143/148.64=6.1606
Within treatments 3716 25 3716/25=148.64
Total 5547.4286 27

Test Statistic is given by:

F = 915.7143/148.64= 6.16


Degrees of freedom for numerator = 2

Degrees of freedom for denominator = 25

By Technology, P - Value = 0.0067


Correct option:

Reject H0. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the means of the three treatments are not equal.

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