
In: Psychology

The term “majlis” refers to: The Turkish constitution. The first Iranian parliament. The first Iranian constitution....

The term “majlis” refers to:

The Turkish constitution.
The first Iranian parliament.
The first Iranian constitution.
The first Turkish parliament.

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Question 22 pts

Which of these statements is true about Palestine in the 19th century?

Its indigenous Jewish community numbered in the millions.
It was ruled by the Ottomans.
Its population was equally divided between Muslims, Jews, and Christians.
It acquired its independence from the British.

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Question 31 pts

The Zionist movement primarily desired to :

stop the persecution of Jews in England.
fight against the Ottoman Turks.
otrepresent European Jewish interests at the League of Nations.
create a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

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Question 41 pts

The CPU and its Young Turks sided with Germany in WWI for the following reasons except:

Germany had recently defeated the French.
In the Armenians, they had found a common enemy.
Germany was the mightiest industrial power in Europe.
Germans and the Young Turks shared a similar conception of nationalism.

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Question 51 pts

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised that Palestine would:

become a homeland for immigrant Jews.
remain a British protectorate indefinitely.
be partitioned into distinct Arab and Jewish zones.
continue as a homeland to the resident Arab Muslims.

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Question 61 pts

What was the "Mandate System"?

Colonies were incorporated into various nations with the rights and liabilities of ordinary citizens.
None of the answers is applicable.
European colonial rulers administered non-European territories but were only held accountable to the League of Nations.
The League of Nations members divided a percentage of wealth generated by all colonies.

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Question 71 pts

In 1923, Mustafa Kemal transformed Turkey into:

A socialist state.
An Islamic State
A secular state.
A Caliphate.

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Question 81 pts

The Sykes-Picot Agreement ignored the nationalistic feelings of the...

Arab people.
Iranian people.
Eastern Europeans.
Turkish people.

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Question 91 pts

One could speak of British foreign policy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as manipulativebecause...

The promised the same territory to the Hashimites, the Saudis, and the Zionists.
They fooled the last ottoman sultan into believing that if they sided with the British against the Russians, the British will assist them with massive modernization of the empire's economy.
All of the answers are applicable.
The encouraged the Egyptian khedive to invest in the cotton industry, only to watch the economy collapse after the end of the American civil war.

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Question 101 pts

Which of these Arabic dynastic families helped the British empire by leading the revolt against the Ottomans, and were eventually rewarded with territories?

The Saudis
The Pahlavis
The Hashimites
The Hashimites and the Saudis

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Question 111 pts

In theory, the purpose of the League of Nations in Middle Eastern affairs was to...

Pursue legal actions against the CPU for their involvement in the Armenian genocide.
Implement the Sykes-Picot agreement.
Mediate between the Hashimites and Saudis over their competition over the control of the Arabian Peninsula.
Empower Arabs to seek independence from European colonial powers.

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Question 121 pts

In the face of European imperialist domination, secular modernists reforms in the Egypt, Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan acquired most popular because...

Wahhabis were mainly concerned with Muslims' moral decadence.
all of the answers are applicable.
they were most coherent in defining the nationalist ambitions of their people.
of the strength of its industrialization projects.

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Question 131 pts

Hassan El Banna and his Muslim Brotherhood organization were originally influenced by which of these 19th century Muslim reformists?

Mustafa Kemal.
Sayyid Jamaluddin-i-Afghani.
Ahmad of Aligarh.
Abdul Wahab.

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Question 141 pts

Which of these terms does not refer to the context of European Jewish ambitions to establish a homeland in Palestine?


Question 15

Which of these Muslim territories did not give cheap concessions to Western business interests to exploit their newly-discovered oil resources?

Saudi Arabia.

Question 16

Match the terms in the left side with its appropriate definition in the right side

Ayatollah Khomeini

      [ Choose ]            Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hanged by the then president Nasser.            First democratically elected Iranian prime minister            Iranian Shia Islamist revolutionary            Lebanese Shia militant/political group.            Former Iranian Monarch and dictator.                    

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

      [ Choose ]            Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hanged by the then president Nasser.            First democratically elected Iranian prime minister            Iranian Shia Islamist revolutionary            Lebanese Shia militant/political group.            Former Iranian Monarch and dictator.                    


      [ Choose ]            Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hanged by the then president Nasser.            First democratically elected Iranian prime minister            Iranian Shia Islamist revolutionary            Lebanese Shia militant/political group.            Former Iranian Monarch and dictator.                    

Sayyid Qutb

      [ Choose ]            Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hanged by the then president Nasser.            First democratically elected Iranian prime minister            Iranian Shia Islamist revolutionary            Lebanese Shia militant/political group.            Former Iranian Monarch and dictator.                    


      [ Choose ]            Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hanged by the then president Nasser.            First democratically elected Iranian prime minister            Iranian Shia Islamist revolutionary            Lebanese Shia militant/political group.            Former Iranian Monarch and dictator.                    

Choose from

Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hanged by the then president Nasser.  

First democratically elected Iranian prime minister           

Iranian Shia Islamist revolutionary           

Lebanese Shia militant/political group.           

Former Iranian Monarch and dictator.                    

Question 17

One similarity in the leadership between Kemal Ataturk, Gamal Nasser, and Shah Reza Pahlavi, is that all these leaders...

sought to modernize their newly founded nations states.
led invasions into Israel.
encouraged their people to exhibit their Islamic identities in the public space.
came to power as a result of democratic elections.

Question 18

Gamel Abdel Nasser was...

an advocate of fundamentalist Islam.
a Turkish secular leader.
a pan-Arabist, secular, nationalist leader.
a loyal ally of the United States.

Question 191

Which of these factors best explain the reasons behind the 1978 revolution in Iran:

Nationalization of industries and government interference in national politics.
Corruption, repression, and nationalization of petroleum.
Worldwide isolation in foreign affairs and corruption.
Political corruption, religious dissatisfaction, and privatization of petroleum.

Question 20

The Middle East is important to the United States for the following reasons:

Petroleum and cheap labor.
Petroleum resources and strategic location.
Petroleum and agricultural resources.
Petroleum and industrial wealth.

Question 21

The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait led to:

The end of the Saudi dynastic rule in the Arabian Peninsula.
The collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime.
Closer U.S.-Iraqi relations.
1991 Gulf War.

Question 22

The long Iran-Iraq war resulted in:

A large scale Iranian occupation of northern Iraq.
An Iranian victory.
An Iraqi victory.
Countless deaths and severe economic strain on both Iran and Iraq.

Question 23

In your opinion, what was the reason for the success of the Iranian Revolution that brought downthe rule of the dictator Shah Reza Pahlavi in in 1979?

The Soviet support to the Shia conservative clerics
The diversity of political and religious opposition groups against the tyranny of the Shah.
All of the answers are applicable.
the masses' discontent with the rigidity of the Shia doctrine as interpreted by Khomeini.

Question 24

Which of these could be considered the most important achievement of secular modernists in Egypt?

Defeating Israel in the 1967 War.
Defeating Israel in the 1973 War.
Prevailing over the mounting danger of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Regaining control of the Suez Canal

Question 25

The main course of the Arab-Israeli conflicts from 1948 to 1973 was the clash between...

Israeli technology and Saudi economic wealth.
Islamic fundamentalism and Orthodox Judaism.
Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism.
Arab Socialism and Israeli capitalism.

Question 26

As explained in details in chapter 14, in order for an invention to take off and engender progress, certain social and cultural conditions need to be met. Based on your close reading of the chapter, explain how Ottoman society in the 18th and 19th centuries lack these social preconditions of industrialization?

Question 27

How do you explain the rise of the secular modernist reformists in the Middle East during the post-World War II era? How did they attempt to liberate their countries from Western imperial domination? What were the domestic and foreign challenges to the implementation of their reforms?

Question 28

What's at the source of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? Elaborate on the Arab and Zionistnationalist arguments...

Question 29

How far back can you trace the U.S. involvement in the Middle East? What explains U.S. interest in this region? Do you feel like through its involvement, did the U.S. uphold or betray its principles of promoting freedom and democracy in the Middle East?

Question 30

Which one of these wars was not a direct confrontation between Israel and the Arab nations?

Sinai War (1998)
Yom Kippur War (1973)
Israeli War of Independence (1947-49)
Six Day War (1967)


Expert Solution

1.Option B)

Majlis is a term used for place of sitting, usually gor a council to meet.The Iranian Parliament , The Islamic Consultative Assembly, Is also called Iranian majlis.

2. option B)

Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire for from early 16 th century to early 20th century, followed by taking over by the British Empire.

3.option D)

The Zionist movement primarily desired to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine.With the growth of Zionism in 1800 more Jews began to migrate from Europe to Palestine.

4. Option A) Germany defeated France in WWII, In WW1, Germany retreated its troops almost a month after invasion on France.

5. option A)

Arthur James Balfour, British Foreign secretary sent a letter to a prominent zionist Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild,about his willingness to support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, this was later declared as a public statement by the British in 1917, known as Balfour Declaration.

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