
In: Computer Science

Simple Painting GUI Apps You are just developing the GUI app. Your mission in this exercise...

Simple Painting GUI Apps

You are just developing the GUI app.

Your mission in this exercise is to implement a very simple Java painting application. Rapid Prototyping

The JFrame is an example that can support the following functions:

* Draw curves, specified by a mouse drag.

* Draw filled rectangles or ovals, specified by a mouse drag (don't worry about dynamically drawing the shape during the drag - just draw the final shape indicated).

* Shape selection (line, rectangle or oval) selected by a combo box OR menu.

* Color selection using radio buttons OR menu.

* Line thickness using a combo box OR menu.

* A CLEAR button.

Some other tips to get you started:

* Put import java.awt.*; and import java.awt.event.*; at the top of your java source.

* To find the mouse coordinates of a mouse event (e.g., a click), use the int getX() and int getY() methods on the MouseEvent object.

* Remember that getGraphics() returns a Graphics object that represents one set of drawing parameter settings for the JFrame (there is no global Graphics object!).

* Heres a code snippet to draw a blue dot at X=10, Y=100 on the JFrame:

Graphics G=getGraphics();



* Here's the mouse dragged handler we wrote in class for a (lame) painting function on the JFrame:

private void myMouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {

int x=evt.getX();

int y=evt.getY();

java.awt.Graphics G=getGraphics();

G.drawRect(x, y, 1, 1);


* And another snippet to find out which item was selected from a combo box:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

JComboBox cb=(JComboBox)e.getSource();

String itemName=(String)cb.getSelectedItem();



Expert Solution

//----------------- ----------------

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
//Class that paints according to the user wish.
public class RapidPrototyping extends JFrame implements MouseListener,ItemListener,ActionListener,MouseMotionListener {
   //panel to hold color,shapes and thickness components
   JPanel panel;
   //shapes combobox
   JComboBox shapes;
   //color radio buttons
   JRadioButton red, green, blue;
   //thickness combobox
   JComboBox thicknesses;
   //clear button.
   JButton clear;
   JPanel center;
   /*values of each selection*/
   Color color;
   int thickness;
   String shape;

   //start and end positions of mouse start and end positions of drag.
   int startX, startY;
   int endX, endY;
   boolean startSet;

   final String shapesList[] = { "RECTANGLE", "OVAL", "LINE" };

   final String thicknessesList[] = { "3", "6", "9", "12", "15" };

   RapidPrototyping() {
       //initialize values.
       setSize(600, 400);
       setLayout(new BorderLayout());

       panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());

       JLabel shapeLabel = new JLabel("Shape :");
       shapes = new JComboBox(shapesList);

       JLabel colorLabel = new JLabel("Color :");
       red = new JRadioButton("Red");
       green = new JRadioButton("Green");
       blue = new JRadioButton("Blue");
       ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup();

       JLabel thicknessLabel = new JLabel("thickness :");
       thicknesses = new JComboBox(thicknessesList);

       clear = new JButton("Clear");
       center = new JPanel();
       //add elements to panel


       add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
       //adding mouse motionlistener is good but there is a drawback in that.
       //code will draw a shape without dragging.
       //it takes the previous point location and the curred dragged position.

       /* Default Values Setting */
       color = Color.RED;
       thickness = 3;
       shape = "RECTANGLE";
       startSet = false;
   //action listener
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
       //set shape value on shapes selection changed.
       if(ae.getSource() == shapes)
           shape = ""+shapes.getItemAt(shapes.getSelectedIndex());
       //repaint the frame if clear button clicked.
       else if(ae.getSource() == clear)
       //change the thickness value.
       else if(ae.getSource() == thicknesses)
               thickness = Integer.parseInt(""+thicknesses.getItemAt(thicknesses.getSelectedIndex()));
           catch(Exception e)
               thickness = 3;
   //set color value according to the selection in color selectin of radio buttons.
   public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)
       if(ie.getSource() == red)
           color = Color.RED;
       else if(ie.getSource() == blue)
           color = Color.BLUE;
       else if(ie.getSource() == green)
           color = Color.GREEN;
   //mouse pressed is the first step in clicking mouse.
   //when a button is presesd this will invoke
   public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
       //if the start point is not set
       if(startSet == false)
           //then set start point as current mouse location
           startX = e.getX();
           startY = e.getY();
           startSet = true;

   // this function is invoked when the mouse is released
   public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
       //when mouse click is released .set end point.
           endX = e.getX();
           endY = e.getY();
           startSet = false;
           //call drawShape() to draw current shape.
   //when mouse is dragged in right to left or bottom to up
   //we have to change the start and end points for drawing rectangel and oval
   //because they take start position and width,height(not end position like line).
   public void checkAndSwap()
       //swap value of x and y
       if(startX > endX)
           int temp = startX;
           startX = endX;
           endX = temp;
       if(startY > endY)
           int temp = startY;
           startY = endY;
           endY = temp;
   //method drawShape() that draws current selected properties of paint
   //and draws them .
   public void drawShape()
       //Graphics2D will be more useful than Graphics class.
       Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics();
       g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(thickness));
       //cal width and height
       int width = Math.abs(endX-startX);
       int height = Math.abs(endY-startY);
       System.out.println("\nThickness: "+thickness);
       //if shape is rectangle draw shape
           //check and swap call only for rectangle and oval
           System.out.printf("Drawing %s : at -> %d %d with width and height %d,%d end point: %d %d\n",shape,startX,startY,width,height,endX,endY);
           //fillRect with following fields.
       else if(shape.equals("OVAL"))
           System.out.printf("Drawing %s : at -> %d %d with width and height %d,%d end point: %d %d\n",shape,startX,startY,width,height,endX,endY);
           System.out.printf("Drawing %s : at -> %d %d end point: %d %d\n",shape,startX,startY,width,height,endX,endY);
           g2.drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY);
   // this function is invoked when the mouse exits the component
   public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)


   // this function is invoked when the mouse enters the component
   public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)


   // this function is invoked when the mouse is pressed or released
   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
   //MouseMotionListener methods are not used.
   public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
   public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
   //create jframe object and set its properties.
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       RapidPrototyping frame = new RapidPrototyping();
       frame.setTitle("Rapid Prototyping");
//Sorry for the curve drawing. code will print all the shapes except.Curve drawing is big concept i //literally dont know about it.

//if you have any doubts please comment.


//and drawing shapes will also be drawn at components shapes,radio will remove when //clear button is pressed.

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