
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Does the hypothalamus control emotions and behavior?

Does the hypothalamus control emotions and behavior?


Expert Solution

The behavior of animals and human beings is mostly affected by two responding systems in hypothalamus and other structures of limbic system. These two systems act opposite to one another.
The responding systems are concerned with the affective nature of sensations, i.e. whether the sensations are pleasant or painful.  
These two qualities are called the reward (satisfaction) and punishment (aversion or avoidance).  

Hypothalamus has two centers for behaviorial and emotional changes.  
They are:
i. Reward center
ii. Punishment center.

Reward center --> is situated in medial forebrain bundle and ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus. Electrical stimulation of these areas in animals pleases or satisfies the animals.

Punishment center ---> is situated in posterior and lateral nuclei of hypo thalamus. Electrical stimulation of these nuclei in animals leads to pain, fear, defense, escape reactions and other elements of punishment.

Role of Reward and Punishment Centers ---
The importance of the reward and punishment centers lies in the behavioral pattern of the individuals. Almost all the activities of day-to-day life depend upon reward and punishment. While doing something, if the person is rewarded or feels satisfied, he or she continues to do so. If the person feels punished or unpleasant, he or she stops doing so. Thus, these two centers play an important role in the development of the behavioral pattern of a person.

Rage refers to violent and aggressive emotional expression with extreme anger. It can be developed in animals by stimulating the punishment centers in posterior and lateral hypothalamus. The reactions of rage are expressed by developing a defense posture.

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