In: Civil Engineering
According to conventional wisdom - the primary recurrent salient issues in most states tend to concern jobs, crime, education and taxes.
To what extent do public opinion poll data in Texas support or challenge the conventional wisdom?
Public opinion poll in texas shows their concern about the following categories:
Attitudes on education captured in the last three years of the Texas Tribune poll suggest that while there is, no surprisingly, support among Democrats for proposals,Looking at public opinion and public policy on education over the last three legislative sessions, It seems that while most Texans believe that money is a necessary ingredient in the education fix, they have shown a consistent unwillingness to spend on education when that spending comes into direct conflict with other pririority.
2.AIM for gun access in self defense
gun control actually assumes too much.Attitudes toward guns here strongly suggest that any discussion will almost certainly be dominated by talk of increasing access to guns,When confronted with the horrors of mass shootings, most Texans appear likely to embrace self-defense over tightening controls on access to guns.
3.Texans first americans second
In February 2014 Tribune Poll, They asked respondents whether they considered themselves Texans first and Americans second, or Americans first and Texans second. Overall, just over a quarter of registered voters 27 percent considered themselves to be Texans first.Democrats and liberals identify as Americans before they identify as Texans about 84% and while majorities of Republicans identify as Americans first with proportion of 32% .
4.Poll findings vs election results
The ongoing challenge of public polling is to reconcile popular expectations about what polls mean at election time with desire to provide the public with information about mass opinion on politics and policy. It begins with the realization that polling results provide an account of public attitudes only at the time the data are collected. However, publicly released polls tend to be taken as a prediction of what will happen on Election Day