
In: Economics

Summarize a timeline (in list form) of important events in the evolution of labor laws during...

Summarize a timeline (in list form) of important events in the evolution of labor laws during industrial revolution.


Expert Solution

1832 - New England Unions Condemn Child Labor

New England unions settled that "Children should not be allowed to labor in the factories from morning till night without any time for healthy recreation and mental culture, for it endangers their well-being and health."

Factory Act of 1833

In 1833 a Factory Act was passed to improve conditions for children working in factories.
● Children under the age of 9 can't work
● Employers are required to have an age certificate for any working children.
● Children the age of 9-13 aren't allowed to work more than 9 hours a day.
● Children cannot work during the nighttime
● 4 factory inspectors are appointed to enforce the act.

1836 First State Child Labor Law

Massachusetts sets a law requiring children under the age of 15 working in factories to attend school for at least 3 months.

1842 - Massachusetts sets a limit to children's work days to 10 hours only.

1876 Labor Movement Sets Age Limit

The Working Men's Party suggests ban on employment of children under 14.

1881 - Newly Formed AFL Supports State Minimum Age Laws

The newly formed national convention, American Federation of Labor passes a resolution, notifying states to ban children under the age of 14 from working.

1883 - New York Unions Win State Reform

This New York Movement, led by Samuel Gompers successfully caused prohibition of cigar making in tenements where many children worked.

Children's Bureau of 1912

The Children's Bureau was created by President William Howard Taft. Its focus was to investigate and report "upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of children and child life among all classes of our people."

Owen Child Labor Act of 1916

The Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 prevented interstate commerce of goods that were produced by factories that used child workers. This act was passed by Congress and signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, but Supreme Court claimed this act was unconstitutional.

1936 - Walsh-Healey Act

This act states that U.S. government will not buy goods made by underage children

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938

For the first time, minimum ages of employment and work hours for children are regulated by federal law. This act placed limits on many forms of child labor. It also required employers to pay covered employees at least the federal minimum wage. The number of work hours were restricted for children under the age of 16. They also couldn't work during school hours, and certain jobs were deemed too dangerous.

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