
In: Accounting

July 1   Sell $10,000 of common stock to Suzie.        1 Sell $10,000 of common stock to...

July 1  

Sell $10,000 of common stock to Suzie.


Sell $10,000 of common stock to Tony.


Purchase a one-year insurance policy for $4,800 ($400 per month) to cover injuries to participants during outdoor clinics.


Pay legal fees of $1,500 associated with incorporation.


Purchase office supplies of $1,800 on account.


Pay for advertising of $300 to a local newspaper for an upcoming mountain biking clinic to be held on July 15. Attendees will be charged $50 the day of the clinic.


Purchase 10 mountain bikes, paying $12,000 cash.


On the day of the clinic, Great Adventures receives cash of $2,000 from 40 bikers. Tony conducts the mountain biking clinic.


Because of the success of the first mountain biking clinic, Tony holds another mountain biking clinic and the company receives $2,300.


Pay for advertising of $700 to a local radio station for a kayaking clinic to be held on August 10. Attendees can pay $100 in advance or $150 on the day of the clinic.


Great Adventures receives cash of $4,000 in advance from 40 kayakers for the upcoming kayak clinic.

The following transactions occur over the remainder of the year.

Aug.   1

Great Adventures obtains a $30,000 low-interest loan for the company from the city council, which has recently passed an initiative encouraging business development related to outdoor activities. The loan is due in three years, and 6% annual interest is due each year on July 31.

Aug.   4  

The company purchases 14 kayaks, paying $28,000 cash.

Aug. 10  

Twenty additional kayakers pay $3,000 ($150 each), in addition to the $4,000 that was paid in advance on July 30, on the day of the clinic. Tony conducts the first kayak clinic.

Aug. 17  

Tony conducts a second kayak clinic, and the company receives $10,500 cash.

Aug. 24  

Office supplies of $1,800 purchased on July 4 are paid in full.

Sep.   1

To provide better storage of mountain bikes and kayaks when not in use, the company rents a storage shed, purchasing a one-year rental policy for $2,400 ($200 per month).

Sep. 21  

Tony conducts a rock-climbing clinic. The company receives $13,200 cash.

Oct. 17  

Tony conducts an orienteering clinic. Participants practice how to understand a topographical map, read an altimeter, use a compass, and orient through heavily wooded areas. The company receives $17,900 cash.

Dec.  1

Tony decides to hold the company’s first adventure race on December 15. Four-person teams will race from checkpoint to checkpoint using a combination of mountain biking, kayaking, orienteering, trail running, and rock-climbing skills. The first team in each category to complete all checkpoints in order wins. The entry fee for each team is $500.

Dec.   5

To help organize and promote the race, Tony hires his college roommate, Victor. Victor will be paid $50 in salary for each team that competes in the race. His salary will be paid after the race.

Dec.   8

The company pays $1,200 to purchase a permit from a state park where the race will be held. The amount is recorded as a miscellaneous expense.

Dec. 12  

The company purchases racing supplies for $2,800 on account due in 30 days. Supplies include trophies for the top-finishing teams in each category, promotional shirts, snack foods and drinks for participants, and field markers to prepare the racecourse.

Dec. 15  

The company receives $20,000 cash from a total of forty teams, and the race is held.

Dec. 16  

The company pays Victor’s salary of $2,000.

Dec. 31  

The company pays a dividend of $4,000 ($2,000 to Tony and $2,000 to Suzie).

Dec. 31  

Using his personal money, Tony purchases a diamond ring for $4,500. Tony surprises Suzie by proposing that they get married. Suzie accepts and they get married!

The following information relates to year-end adjusting entries as of December 31, 2018.

Depreciation of the mountain bikes purchased on July 8 and kayaks purchased on August 4 totals $8,000.

Six months’ worth of insurance has expired.

Four months’ worth of rent has expired.

Of the $1,800 of office supplies purchased on July 4, $300 remains.

Interest expense on the $30,000 loan obtained from the city council on August 1 should be recorded.

Of the $2,800 of racing supplies purchased on December 12, $200 remains.

Suzie calculates that the company owes $14,000 in income taxes.


Record transactions from July 1 through December 31.

Record adjusting entries as of December 31, 2018.

Post transactions from July 1 through December 31 and adjusting entries on December 31 to T-accounts.

Prepare an adjusted trial balance as of December 31, 2018.

For the period July 1 to December 31, 2018, prepare an income statement and statement of stockholders’ equity. Prepare a classified balance sheet as of December 31, 2018.

Record closing entries as of December 31, 2018.

Post closing entries to T-accounts.

Prepare a post-closing trial balance as of December 31, 2018.


Expert Solution

Great Adventure Inc.
General Journal  
Date Journal Amount (DR) Amount (CR)
1-Jul Cash $                       10,000.00
    To Common Stock $                               10,000.00
(Being sell common stock to Suzie
1-Jul Cash $                       18,500.00
    To Common Stock $                               18,500.00
(Being sell common stock to Tony)
1-Jul Prepaid Insurance $                         4,800.00
    To Cash $                                 4,800.00
(Being amount of Insurance purchased )
2-Jul Legal Fees $                         1,500.00
     To Cash $                                 1,500.00
(Being amount of legal fees paid )
4-Jul Office Supplies $                         1,800.00
    To Accounts Payable $                                 1,800.00
(Being amount of office supplies purchased on account)
7-Jul Advertisement Expenses $                             300.00
     To Cash $                                     300.00
(Being amount paid for advertisement in newspaper)
8-Jul Equipments $                       12,000.00
    To Cash $                               12,000.00
(Being amount of purchased of 10 mountain bikes)
15-Jul Cash $                         2,000.00
     To Service Revenue $                                 2,000.00
(Being amount received from 80 Bikers)
22-Jul Cash $                         2,300.00
    To Service Revenue $                                 2,300.00
(Being amount received for service revenue
24-Jul Advertisement Expenses $                             700.00
    To Cash $                                     700.00
(Being amount paid for advertisement in Radio)
30-Jul Cash $                         4,000.00
   To Unearned Service Revenue $                                 4,000.00
(Being amount of advance received from 50 Kayakers for upcomin Kayak clinic)
1-Aug Cash $                       30,000.00
    To Loan $                               30,000.00
(Being amount of loan taken from City Counsil)
4-Aug Equipments $                       28,000.00
    To Cash $                               28,000.00
(Being amount paid for purchased of Kayaks)
10-Aug Cash $                         3,000.00
    To Deferred Revenue $                                 3,000.00
(Being amount received as advance from 20 Kayaks)
17-Aug Cash $                       10,500.00
    To Service Revenue $                               10,500.00
(Being amount received as Service Revenue)
24-Aug Accounts Payable $                         1,800.00
    to Cash $                                 1,800.00
(Being amount paid for supplies purchased on account)
1-Sep Prepaid Rent   $                         2,400.00
    To Cash $                                 2,400.00
(Being amount paid as rent for storage shed)
21-Sep Cash $                       13,200.00
     To Service Revenue $                               13,200.00
(Being amount received as Service Revenue)
17-Oct Cash $                       17,900.00
    To Service Revenue $                               17,900.00
(Being amount received as Service Revenue)
1-Dec No Entry
5-Dec No Entry
8-Dec Misc Expenses $                         1,200.00
     To Cash $                                 1,200.00
(Being amount paid for Permit)
12-Dec Racing Supplies $                         2,800.00
    To Accounts Payable $                                 2,800.00
(Being amount of office supplies purchased on account)
15-Dec Cash $                       20,000.00
     To Service Revenue $                               20,000.00
(Being amount of cash received from 40 teams  
16-Dec Salary(50*$40) $                         2,000.00
    To Cash $                                 2,000.00
(Being amount paid for victors salary)
31-Dec Dividend $                         4,000.00
    To Cash $                                 4,000.00
(Being amount of dividnd paid )
31-Dec No Enry
Adjusting Entries
Date Particular Amount (Dr) Amount(Cr)
31-Dec Depreciation $                         8,000.00
    To Mountain Bikes & Kayaks $                                 8,000.00
(Being amount of Dep)
31-Dec Insurance =(400*6) $                         2,400.00
     To Prepaid Insurance   $                                 2,400.00
(Being amount of 6 months insurance)
31-Dec Rent=($200*4) $                             800.00
    To Prepaid Rent $                                     800.00
(Being amount of 4 months rent)
31-Dec Office supplies Expenses=($1800-$300) $                         1,500.00
     To Office Supplies $                                 1,500.00
(Being amount of Office supplies Expenses)
31-Dec Interest Expenses=($30000*6%*5/12) $                             750.00
    To Interest Payable $                                     750.00
(Being amount of 5 months interest on loan @6%)
31-Dec Racing Supplies Expenses=($2800-$200) $                         2,600.00
     To Recing Supplies $                                 2,600.00
(Being amount of racing supplies expenses)
31-Dec Income Tax Expenses $                       14,000.00
    To Income Tax Payable $                               14,000.00
(Being amount of Income tax Payable)
Cash A/c Balance
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
1-Jul $                       10,000.00 10000
1-Jul $                       10,000.00 $          20,000.00
1-Jul $                                 4,800.00 $          15,200.00
2-Jul $                                 1,500.00 $          13,700.00
7-Jul $                                     300.00 $          13,400.00
8-Jul $                               12,000.00 $            1,400.00
15-Jul $                         2,000.00 $            3,400.00
22-Jul $                         2,300.00 $            5,700.00
24-Jul $                                     700.00 $            5,000.00
30-Jul $                         4,000.00 $            9,000.00
1-Aug $                       30,000.00 $          39,000.00
4-Aug $                               28,000.00 $          11,000.00
10-Aug $                         3,000.00 $          14,000.00
17-Aug $                       10,500.00 $          24,500.00
24-Aug $                                 1,800.00 $          22,700.00
1-Sep $                                 2,400.00 $          20,300.00
21-Sep $                       13,200.00 $          33,500.00
17-Oct $                       17,900.00 $          51,400.00
8-Dec $                                 1,200.00 $          50,200.00
15-Dec $                       20,000.00 $          70,200.00
16-Dec $                                 2,000.00 $          68,200.00
31-Dec $                                 4,000.00 $          64,200.00
Common Stock Balance
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
1-Jul $                               10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
1-Jul $                               10,000.00 $ 20,000.00
Prepaid Insurance
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
1-Jul $                         4,800.00 $            4,800.00
31-Jul $                                 2,400.00 $            2,400.00
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
31-Jul $                         2,400.00 $            2,400.00
Legal Fees
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
31-Jul $                         1,500.00 $            1,500.00
Office supplies
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
18-Jul $                         1,800.00 $            1,800.00
31-Dec $                                 1,500.00 $                300.00
Office supplies Expenses
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
31-Dec $                         1,500.00 $            1,500.00
Advertisement Expenses
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
7-Jul $                             300.00 $                300.00
24-Jul $                             700.00 $            1,000.00
Accounts Payable
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
18-Jul $                                 1,800.00 $                         -  
24-Aug $                         1,800.00
12-Dec $                                 2,800.00 $    2,800.00
$                         -  
Mountain Bikes
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
8-Jul $                       12,000.00 $          12,000.00
$                         -  
Service Revenue
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
15-Jul $                                 2,000.00 $            2,000.00
22-Jul $                                 2,300.00 $            4,300.00
17-Aug $                               10,500.00 $          14,800.00
21-Sep $                               13,200.00 $          28,000.00
17-Oct $                               17,900.00 $          45,900.00
15-Dec $                               20,000.00 $          65,900.00
Deferred revenue
Date Title Debit   Credit Debit Credit
30-Jul $                                 4,000.00 $    4,000.00
10-Aug $                                 3,000.00 $    7,000.00

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