
In: Computer Science

#define count int8_t arrayInt8[COUNT] = {111, 52, 16, 100, 90}; arrayInt8[2] = 0; arrayInt8[3] = -1;...

#define count

int8_t arrayInt8[COUNT] = {111, 52, 16, 100, 90};

arrayInt8[2] = 0;

arrayInt8[3] = -1;

arrayInt8[4] = -120;

printf("Question 6, countNegative: Correct answer = 2\n");

printf("Question 6, countNegative: Student answer = %u\n\n", countNegative(arrayInt8, COUNT));

I need the arm assembly code for this.


Expert Solution



        .ascii  "Question 6, countNegative: Correct answer = 2\000"


        .ascii  "Question 6, countNegative: Student answer = %u\012\012"

        .ascii  "\000"


        .byte   111

        .byte   52

        .byte   16

        .byte   100

        .byte   90


        push    {fp, lr}

        add     fp, sp, #4

        sub     sp, sp, #8

        ldr     r2, .L2

        sub     r3, fp, #12

        ldm     r2, {r0, r1}

        str     r0, [r3]

        add     r3, r3, #4

        strb    r1, [r3]

        mov     r3, #0

        strb    r3, [fp, #-10]

        mvn     r3, #0

        strb    r3, [fp, #-9]

        mvn     r3, #119

        strb    r3, [fp, #-8]

        ldr     r0, .L2+4

        bl      puts

        sub     r3, fp, #12

        mov     r1, #5

        mov     r0, r3

        bl      countNegative

        mov     r3, r0

        mov     r1, r3

        ldr     r0, .L2+8

        bl      printf


        sub     sp, fp, #4

        pop     {fp, lr}

        bx      lr


        .word   .LC0

        .word   .LC1

        .word   .LC2

Respective C program :-

#include <stdint.h>

#define COUNT 5

void main()


int8_t arrayInt8[COUNT] = {111, 52, 16, 100, 90};

arrayInt8[2] = 0;

arrayInt8[3] = -1;

arrayInt8[4] = -120;

printf("Question 6, countNegative: Correct answer = 2\n");

printf("Question 6, countNegative: Student answer = %u\n\n", countNegative(arrayInt8, COUNT));


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