
In: Psychology

Think about different groups you have been a part of (classes, family gatherings, office meetings). Discuss...

Think about different groups you have been a part of (classes, family gatherings, office meetings). Discuss with the class how the process and content of each type of group differ. Which concept was more important in which group? Why?


Expert Solution

There are different types of groups on the basis of contact, rules and regulations, identification etc.

Primary group

It's a group with face to face interaction. Here the members are too personal and members feel a sense of well- being. They have more physical proximity and it is a small group. For example family, close friends etc.

Importance - Individual learns his culture and develops an acceptable personality within his primary group.

Secondary group

In secondary group there is less face to face interaction. Here the relation is impersonal and have specific aim to each group members.

In a community basis secondary group is very important

Formal group

A group has strict rules and regulations. Well defined rules to join the group as well to leave the group. For example, bank, educational institution etc.

Formal group is important for dealing some professional as well as important matters.

Informal group

Any person can join the group, participate in the group and leave the group. There is no strict rules and regulations. Eg: night clubs, friends

Informal groups are important for fun and relaxation

In group

A group in which we are directly belongs to. The members of the group have a strong we feeling. For example we are boys.

Out group

A group in which we are not belongs to. The term out group is used to distinguish between ones identity from others. For example they are girls.

The in group and out group feeling can tend to a healthy competition. In in group we can feel a we feeling and it this feeling will be act as fuel for the group activities.

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