
In: Computer Science

Do it in python please This lesson's Group Activities are: We're going to take the Group...

Do it in python please

This lesson's Group Activities are:

We're going to take the Group Activity from last week and tweak it. Instead of storing the random numbers in a list, we're going to store them in a file. Write a program using functions and mainline logic which prompts the user to enter a number, then generates that number of random integers and stores them in a file. It should then display the following data to back to the user:

  • The list of integers
  • The lowest number in the list
  • The highest number in the list
  • The total sum of all the numbers in the list
  • The average number in the list
  • At a minimum, the numbers should range from 0 to 50, but you can use any range you like.

Helpful hint: don't forget about input validation loops and try/catch exceptional handling. Both are very useful when used in conjunction with functions.


Expert Solution

Before making above program, we see the algorithm for this:

  1. Start
  2. Take input from user in a specified range. Here, I am taking the (0-50) range.
  3. If user input beyond this range or give some alphanumeric or strings as an input then we gives warning message like "you didn't enter specified value.".
  4. After getting the specified value, we have to make an object for File.
  5. Through File object we open or create a new file with "write" access mode (like read, write, append, etc. many more access mode present).
  6. After opening the file, we store the value of user into the file and close the file object.
  7. To read the file, again we have to create an object for File.
  8. Now, this time in "read" mode,we open the file.
  9. After opening the file we copy the content into the list and print maximum value, lowest value, total sum and average.
  10. Repeat these steps until the user doesn't want to end the procedure. To end this procedure, the user must give "-1" as input.


while 1:
if a>=0 and a<=50:
f=open("filename.txt","a") # creating the object of file and it will append the end of the file...
f.write(str(a)) # write into the file and typecast to string because it didn't take input as integer it has compulsory to give input as character or string...
f.close() # close the object of file...
f1=open("filename.txt","r") # creating the object...
nums=list(map(int,f.readline().split())) # creating list copy all the data from file into list, data as split by space and also typecast into integer because we take character as input from file...
f.close() # close the object of file...
print(nums) # print all the values entered by the user....
print(min(nums)) # print lowest value in user inputs...
print(max(nums)) # print highest value in user inputs...
print(sum(nums)) # print sum of the all numbers...
print(sum(nums)/len(nums)) # print average of all the numbers...
else if a==-1: # Termination of the program...
except NameError: # exception handling....
print("Entered value is not number.")
except: # exception handling...
print("Eneterd value is not number.")

Please, don't forget to like this question. Thank you!

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