
In: Computer Science

Hangman We're going to write a game of hangman. Don't worry, this assignment is not nearly...


We're going to write a game of hangman. Don't worry, this assignment is not nearly as difficult as it may appear.

The way hangman works (for this assignment - we are doing a simplified game) is as follows:

  • the computer will choose a word. (For this version, a word is selected from a static list encoded into the program -- so the words are pretty limited). Let's say the word is "cocoa".
  • the computer shows the user how many letters are in the word by displaying a "space" for each letter.   For our example, "cocoa" would be shown as:   _ _ _ _ _
  • the user guesses a letter
  • if the guessed letter is in the secret word, the computer updates the "_ _ _ _ _" representation to show where the chosen letter resides. So, for instance, if the user chose "o", the representation would be updated to be "_o_o_"
  • the user guesses another letter ... and the game continues until the user fills in all the letters.

I have provided you with skeleton code below. You must use this code. You will fill in the code for the places where you see comments that start with "TODO". Do NOT modify any of the rest of the code. No further modifications are necessary. You simply need to add the code that is specified and the program will work.

Most of the work is adding code to fill in the functions. How can you test that you have done this correctly? Each function (except for main()) is independent -- it does only one job and does not call any other functions. Therefore, you can test each function independently. Think of each as a separate question on an assignment. If you wish, you can cut and paste the skeleton of the function into another python file and isolate it from the rest of the code. To test if the function works the way you want it to, call the function with some made-up parameter values and print the result. So, for instance, to test the function updateUsedLetters(), you could do the following:

uLetters = "abcd"  #this fabricated string represents the letters the user has already chosen
guess = "z"    #this is a user guess (no input required ..... just make up a letter)
uLetters = updateUsedLetters(uLetters, guess)
print(uLetters)   #I expect to see "abcdz" returned

Testing this function doesn't depend at all on the rest of the program. Once I know that it works, I can continue on and work on the other functions.  

The program is not going to run until you have all the functions complete and working -- so you really need to test each one individually. I will go over this process in the class on Tuesday.

Here is the skeleton code. Take some time to look at the structure and understand how it works. Notice the way the functions are structured --- each function does one task and each receives the information that it needs to do the job and returns the answer. This answer is used in the calling function.

You can cut and paste this into a new python file. It is easier to read when you put it into a Python window.   When you hand in your code, remove all the instructional #TODO comments. You do not have to add to the docstrings but you should read them to understand more about how each function works.

This is a simplified version of a hangman game. The computer chooses a word
from a pre-defined list of words and the user guesses letters until they have
filled in all the letters in the word.

Student Number:  
Date:  Oct, 2020
import random

def getSecretWord():
    This function chooses a word from the list of potential secret
    Parameters:  None
    Return Value: a string representing the secret word

    potentialWords = ["tiger", "lion", "elephant", "snake", "zebra"]

    #random.randint(0, 4) will generate an integer between 0 and 4
    #this is then used to select a value from potentialWords

    return potentialWords[random.randint(0,4)]

def printStringWithSpaces(word):
    This function prints the blank representation ("___") of the
    secret word on the screen with spaces between each underscore
    so that the user can better see how many letters there are.
    Parameter: string
    Return Value:  None

    #TODO -- complete this function so that it prints "word" (a string)
    #so that there are spaces between each letter.
    #eg:  word = "watch", the function prints w a t c h
    #you will need a loop to do this.
    #recall that print() can be given a parameter end=' ' to keep all output
    #on the same line.


    #leave the following two lines at the end of your function for nicer output

def convertWordToBlanks(word):
    Creates a string consisting of len(word) underscores.
    For example, if word = "cat", function returns "___"

    Parameter: string
    Return Value: string

    #TODO -- complete this function so that it produces a string with
    #underscores representing the parameter "word" (which is a string).
    #eg:  word = "watch", the function returns "_____"  (5 underscores)
    #You will need a loop for this.  Also, a return statement.

    #leave this line (and use the variable newString in your code
    newString = ""  #start with an empty string and add onto it


def updateRepresentation(blank, secret, letter):
    This function replaces the appropriate underscores with the guessed
    Eg.  letter = 't', secret = "tiger", blank = "_i_er" --> returns "ti_er"
    Paramters:   blank, secret are strings
                letter is a string, but a single letter.
    Returns:  a string

    #TODO -- complete this function so that it produces a new string
    #from blank with letter inserted into the appropriate locations.
    #For example:
    #   letter = 't', secret = "tiger", blank = "_i_er" --> newString "ti_er"
    #newString should be returned.
    #iterate through each character of secret by index position
    #   check to see if letter = current character at index position
    #      if yes, add this letter to newString
    #      if no, add the letter from blank found at index position

    #leave this line (and use the variable newString in your code
    newString = ""

def updateUsedLetters(usedLetters, letter):
    This function concatenates the guessed letter onto the list of letters
    that have been guessed, returning the result.
    Parameters: string representing the used letters
                string respresenting the current user guess
    Return Value:  string

    #TODO -- complete this function so that it returns the concatentation
    #of the string usedLetters with the letter. 
    pass #remove this line -- pass is a "do nothing" keyword


def main():
    This implements the user interface for the program.
    usedLetters = "" #no letters guessed yet
    secret = getSecretWord()
    print("The secret word is ", secret)

    #TODO - add one line of code here to call the function
    #convertWordToBlanks to convert the secret word
    #to a string of underscores.  Assign the result to
    #the variable blank as shown below.


    while blank != secret:
        userGuess = input("Please enter a single letter guess: ")
        #check for valid input
        while not(userGuess.isalpha()) or len(userGuess) != 1:
            userGuess = input("Please enter valid input(a single letter guess):")

        #TODO:  Add one line of code here (at the same level of indentation of
        #this comment) to check that userGuess is NOT in the string usedLetters.

            print("You have guessed ", userGuess)

            if userGuess in secret:
                #letter is in the secret word so update the blank representation
                blank = updateRepresentation(blank, secret, userGuess)

            #add the letter to the string of used letters 
            usedLetters = updateUsedLetters(usedLetters, userGuess)
            #letter has been guessed already -- update the user
            print("You have already guessed that letter!!!")
            print("Here are the letters you have guessed so far: ")
    print("You got it!!  The word was", secret)



Expert Solution


import random

def getSecretWord():
This function chooses a word from the list of potential secret
Parameters: None
Return Value: a string representing the secret word
potentialWords = ["tiger", "lion", "elephant", "snake", "zebra"]
#random.randint(0, 4) will generate an integer between 0 and 4
#this is then used to select a value from potentialWords
return potentialWords[random.randint(0,4)]
def printStringWithSpaces(word):
This function prints the blank representation ("_") of the
secret word on the screen with spaces between each underscore
so that the user can better see how many letters there are.
Parameter: string
Return Value: None
#loop that places a space between each letter
for ch in word:
print(ch, ' ', end = '')
def convertWordToBlanks(word):
Creates a string consisting of len(word) underscores.
For example, if word = "cat", function returns "_"
Parameter: string
Return Value: string
#TODO -- complete this function so that it produces a string with
#underscores representing the parameter "word" (which is a string).
#eg: word = "watch", the function returns "___" (5 underscores)
#You will need a loop for this. Also, a return statement.
#leave this line (and use the variable newString in your code
newString = "" #start with an empty string and add onto it
# loop over the word appending '_' to newString
for ch in word:
newString = newString + '_'
return newString

def updateRepresentation(blank, secret, letter):
This function replaces the appropriate underscores with the guessed
Eg. letter = 't', secret = "tiger", blank = "_i_er" --> returns "ti_er"
Paramters: blank, secret are strings
letter is a string, but a single letter.
Returns: a strings

#TODO -- complete this function so that it produces a new string
#from blank with letter inserted into the appropriate locations.
#For example:
# letter = 't', secret = "tiger", blank = "_i_er" --> newString "ti_er"
#newString should be returned.
#iterate through each character of secret by index position
# check to see if letter = current character at index position
# if yes, add this letter to newString
# if no, add the letter from blank found at index position
#leave this line (and use the variable newString in your code
newString = ""
# loop over secret word
for i in range(len(secret)):
# ith letter of secret = letter, append letter to newString
if secret[i] == letter:
newString = newString + letter
else: # else append ith character of blank to newString
newString = newString + blank[i]
return newString

def updateUsedLetters(usedLetters, letter):
This function concatenates the guessed letter onto the list of letters
that have been guessed, returning the result.
Parameters: string representing the used letters
string respresenting the current user guess
Return Value: string
# append letter to usedLetters and return it
usedLetters += letter
return usedLetters
def main():
This implements the user interface for the program.
usedLetters = "" #no letters guessed yet
secret = getSecretWord()
print("The secret word is ", secret)
#convert the secret word to a string of underscores.
blank = convertWordToBlanks(secret)
while blank != secret:
userGuess = input("Please enter a single letter guess: ")
#check for valid input
while not(userGuess.isalpha()) or len(userGuess) != 1:
userGuess = input("Please enter valid input(a single letter guess):")
#TODO: Add one line of code here (at the same level of indentation of
#this comment) to check that userGuess is NOT in the string usedLetters.
if userGuess not in usedLetters:
print("You have guessed ", userGuess)
if userGuess in secret:
#letter is in the secret word so update the blank representation
blank = updateRepresentation(blank, secret, userGuess)
#add the letter to the string of used letters
usedLetters = updateUsedLetters(usedLetters, userGuess)
#letter has been guessed already -- update the user
print("You have already guessed that letter!!!")
print("Here are the letters you have guessed so far: ")
print("You got it!! The word was", secret)

#end of program

Code Screenshot:


If you have any dought about this answer dont give dislike ,tell us your dought in the comment then i can explain, Please rate me by giving me a like or thumb because it motivates me to do more work,Thank you.

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