
In: Computer Science

Given the file, fill in the ‘gaps’ in the code (designated by insert code here...

Given the file, fill in the ‘gaps’ in the code (designated by insert code here that “exercises” (tests) the StudentID class by calling its methods.

There are six occurrences of ‘insert code here comments’. Above these are comments that help you understand what your code should accomplish.  

Don’t forget to comment your file

(including a prologue section at the top of the file).

Create a project in Eclipse for your StudentIdDriver.

Add another class for it StudentId

Sample session:

     Enter student name: Carol

Enter student id: 1234

Invalid student id - reenter: 123400

Carol, your new e-mail account is:

[email protected]



* Dean & Dean


* Exercise 6.12 driver


import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudentIdDriver


public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;

    StudentId myStudent;

    String name;

    // Instantiate StudentId object and assign it to student.


    System.out.print("Enter student name: ");

    name = stdIn.nextLine();

    // Assign name to the student object.


    System.out.print("Enter student id: ");

    // In a single statement, read an int for the id value,

    // and assign it to the student object.



    // If invalid id, execute the loop.

    // (Use the isValid method in the while loop condition.)

    while (<insert-code-here>)


      System.out.print("Invalid student id - reenter: ");

      // In a single statement, read an int for the id value

      // and assign it to the student object.



    System.out.println("\n" + name +

      ", your new e-mail account is: \n" +

     <insert-code-here>   ; // Get email account.

} // end main

} // end class StudentIdDriver



* Dean & Dean


* Exercise 6.12 driven class


public class StudentId


private String name;

private int id;


public void setName(String n)

{ = n;


public String getName()




public void setId(int id)

{ = id;


public int getId()





public String getEmailAccount()


    // Include "" in concatenation to convert to strings.

    return "" + + +




public boolean isValid()


    return >= 100000 && <= 999999;


} // end class StudentId


Expert Solution

* Dean & Dean
* Exercise 6.12 driver

import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentIdDriver
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;

StudentId myStudent;

String name;

// Instantiate StudentId object and assign it to student.
StudentId student = new StudentId();   

System.out.print("Enter student name: ");

name = stdIn.nextLine();

// Assign name to the student object.

System.out.print("Enter student id: ");

// In a single statement, read an int for the id value,
// and assign it to the student object.

// If invalid id, execute the loop.
// (Use the isValid method in the while loop condition.)

while (!student.isValid())
System.out.print("Invalid student id - reenter: ");

// In a single statement, read an int for the id value
// and assign it to the student object.

System.out.println("\n" + name + ", your new e-mail account is: \n" +

student.getEmailAccount()) ; // Get email account.

} // end main

} // end class StudentIdDriver

* Dean & Dean
* Exercise 6.12 driven class

public class StudentId
//private data members
private String name;
private int id;
//method to set the name of the student
public void setName(String n)
{ = n;

//method to return the name of the student
public String getName()

//method to set the id of the student
public void setId(int id)
{ = id;

//method to return the id of the student
public int getId()

//method to create and return the new email account of the student
public String getEmailAccount()
// Include "" in concatenation to convert to strings.
return "" + + +

//method to return true if id is valid, otherwise return false
public boolean isValid()
return >= 100000 && <= 999999;

} // end class StudentId


Solving your question and helping you to well understand it is my focus. So if you face any difficulties regarding this please let me know through the comments. I will try my best to assist you. However if you are satisfied with the answer please don't forget to give your feedback. Your feedback is very precious to us, so don't give negative feedback without showing proper reason.
Always avoid copying from existing answers to avoid plagiarism.
Thank you.

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