
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Highlight 4 injuries related to the knee and its supporting musculature. Make reference to; how the...

Highlight 4 injuries related to the knee and its supporting musculature. Make reference to; how the injuries are commonly caused, signs and symptoms, acute treatments aimed at stabilizing the knee and reducing inflammation, and chronic treatment’s/procedures used to help rehabilitate the injured area.


Expert Solution

The four injuries that are related to knees are:-

Knee bursitis

This is a condition which tends to cause the inflammation of bursa which is a small fluid filled sac which is located near the joint. This is majorly caused due to the increase in the pressure that is applied around the knee area and overuse of the knee joint. It can also be caused due to bacterial infection around the bursa area.

The general symptoms for the knee bursitis are it causes inflammation and swelling around the knee area. When the knee joint area is tender, swollen and becomes warm along with pain it is symptom of knee bursitis. It can also lead to stiffness and causes pain while walking.

The knee bursitis can be treated with ample amount of rest, with therapy and use of medications. In case of use of therapy, compression and ice packs can be used which helps in reducing the swelling. There are many surgical procedures which are used for treatment in extreme case of knee bursitis like use of corticosteroid injection in which the injection of corticosteroid drug to the area helps in reducing the swelling. The treatment also involved aspiration where the excess fluid is removed and hence it helps in reducing inflammation.

Patellar tendinitis

In this type of knee injury, it tends to affect and damage the patella tendon and hence causes the knee injury. When the patella tendon is overstressed, majorly common in athletes and sportsperson, it causes the knee injury. This causes inflammation of the patella tendon due to tiny tear around the tissues of the patella tendon. It is causes due to stress and pressure applied to the patella tendon.

The major symptoms for the same is pain in the kneecap which is called patella tendon and it causes tenderness and swelling around the same. It causes increase in discomfort while performing activities like walking, jumping or heavy landing etc. A burning sensation is another symptom for the same and gradually leads to causing sharp pain.

It can be treated with applying ice to the area and this can reduce the inflammation and pain. The use of anti-inflammatory medicines can also be used for the treatment. Generally, for the tendon to heal, physical therapy is used which helps in restoring the pain and swelling in the tendon. In case the problem or tear becomes very severe, it might even require a surgery.

Anterior cruciate ligament injury

ACL or anterior cruciate ligament injury is caused due to stress or strain in the ligament and is hence it weakens the tissues which helps in holding the knee bone together. It is caused due to tear caused in this ligament and caused majorly in sportsperson, mostly from running or jumping. It is caused due to the sudden twisting of the knee damaging the tissue around it and tearing the ligament.

Some of the symptoms for the same include pain and soreness around the knee joint. It also tend to cause swelling and it increased within first 24 hours of the injury. It also tends to cause a popping sound around the knee and loss of motion around it. It also tends to reduce the instability around the knee area and cause trouble in walking. It can be checked and diagnosed with help of X-ray or MRI or with ultrasound which helps in identifying damage to soft tissue.

The treatment for the same includes use of medications that can reduce the pain and inflammation. If the injury is minor, it can be treated with help of ice compression and it can help in reducing the swelling. When there is more ACL damage, it needs to be treated with help of knee brace that helps in stabilizing the area. Physical therapy can also be effective which helps in increasing the motion around the joint. In case the damage is more severe, it needs to be treated with surgery when the damaged ACL is removed.

Torn Meniscus

This type of injury is caused due to twisting or rotating of the knee area which leads to tearing of the meniscus area. The meniscus is a C-shaped cartilage piece that is present between shinbone and thighbone and when the meniscus is torn, it tends to cause pain, swelling and stiffness around the knee area. It is majorly caused due to the forceful twisting or damage to the knee.

The symptoms for the same includes inflammation and pain around the area along with stiffness. It can also cause a popping sensation while rotating the knee and make motion difficult. It tends to lock the knee and movement can be difficult.

It is treated first with compression with ice and rest when the injury is minor. The damage can be detected and determined with help of arthroscope where a tiny insertion is made near the area in the knee and the tissue tear can be detected. It has a camera and light which is inserted and it produces an enlarged image which helps in monitoring the area. Therapy can be used which helps in strengthening the muscles around the knee area and it helps in maintaining better stability around the joint. In case therapy and medications does not work, surgery might ne needed to transplant the meniscus.

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