
In: Operations Management

write from the standpoint of a supervisor sending a message to staff members working under your...

write from the standpoint of a supervisor sending a message to staff members working under your authority. You'll propose and justify the need for a day-long mandatory workplace-based staff training session in five applied communication skills.

Start by describing a workplace communication problem that has cost your organization time and money and therefore prompted you to bring in a consultant to upgrade the applied communication skills of employees under your supervision. A key part of the assignment is to list/rank in order of importance five communication skills you feel need to be addressed and provide justification for focusing on each of these skills. A helpful way to go about this assignment is to list the five key communication skills you personally feel you could most benefit from improving.

The desired skill improvements you propose are broadly defined. For example, precise writing; effective speaking; non-verbal communication; active listening; building rapport; identifying and avoiding fallacies; assertiveness; communicating with difficult people; or cross-cultural communication. Make the training sound both engaging and worthwhile.  


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Communication is one of the most important part of the personality of an individual and it plays essential role in the organization. In most of the organization communication problem is found. In this project question I have to bring a consultant to upgrade the applied communication skills of employees under my supervision. Because in my organization communication is a big issue so I have to focus on this issue. And in order to improvement in the communication skills we have to list five important communication skills that can help the employees of the organization in their communication.



Listening is one of the most important key skill of communication. For any communication it is very important to listen the other person. Listening is different from hearing. In hearing we do not focus on what the other person is saying but in active listening there is understanding between the speaker and listener. Active listening is most important to understand the view point of others if we do not listen to the other person then it would be difficult for us to take any decision on the basis of that conversation. Without active listening communication is treated as incomplete communication. Because thoughts and view point of others can be understood only after active listening.


Nonverbal communication can be defined as communication without words where eye contact, hand movement, body gestures, body language etc. included. Nonverbal communication is also very important part or skill of the effective communication. In the business organization most of the time body language affects more than conversation in the organization. Each and every employees should focus on the nonverbal communication. In this project question I included non-verbal communication because it affect most of the employees in the organization. So in the conversation employees should focus on eye contact, hand movement, body gestures, body language etc. so that effective communication can take place.


Speaking is one of the most important skill of communication. In the communication speaking plays very important role. Speaking should be clear and concise. Each and every word of our communication in the organization should be effective. Our speaking defines us so we should take care of the usages of word. Each and every employee in the organization should focus on the clear pronunciation, correct word, etc. Speaking should be short and simple. And one of the most important aspect of the speaking is we should be aware of the interest of the listener in the organization.


Most important communication skill is known as confidence. In the organization it is most important for the speaker or listener to be confident. Confidence plays important role in our communication or we can say that confidence makes our conversation much better. So in the organization each and every employees should work on this skill. Confidence helps in personality improvement also. Employees of the organization should involve confidence in their conversations.


Writing is also known as important skill of the communication. Effective and precise writing is a part of communication skill. In the organization most of the employee have to write many thing so this writing should be effective because it plays very important role in the communication. Writing should be clear so that anyone can understand.

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