
In: Computer Science

Instructions from your teacher: Write a Python program that does the following: Displays a welcome message...

Instructions from your teacher:

Write a Python program that does the following:

  1. Displays a welcome message

  2. Prompts a user to enter a number (an integer), and then converts that value from inches to feet. If the user entered a negative number, display an error message telling the user that it was not a "positive " number and prompt the user to enter a number again.

  3. Displays the converted value, then " feet"

  4. Continue converting the user's valid values until the user enters 0. Your program should then display a goodbye message.

Example 1:


Welcome to my inches to feet converter!


Please enter a number of inches: 32


2.7 feet


Please enter a number of inches: 60


5.0 feet


Please enter a number of inches: -20


Please enter a positive number!


Please enter a number of inches: 40


3.3 feet


Please enter a number of inches: 0


Have a nice day!

Example 2:


Welcome to my inches to feet converter!


Please enter a number of inches: -32


Please enter a positive number!


Please enter a number of inches: -21


Please enter a positive number!


Please enter a number of inches: -10


Please enter a positive number!


Please enter a number of inches: 0


Have a nice day!


Expert Solution

Python code:

#printing Welcome message
print("Welcome to my inches to feet converter!")
#accepting number of inches
inch=int(input("Please enter a number of inches: "))
#looping till inch is 0
    #checking if inch is greater than 0
        #printing feet rounded to 1 decimal
        print(str(round(inch/12,1))+" feet")
        #asking to enter positive number
        print("Please enter a positive number!")
    #accepting number of inches
    inch=int(input("Please enter a number of inches: "))
#printing goodbye message
print("Have a nice day!")


Input and Output:

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