In: Accounting
A company takes a loan from a bank for five years, and an overdraft quota for a certain amount of time. is it a financial instrument?
according to NIC 39
NIC 39 The standard intensifies the use of fair value for the treatment accounting of financial instruments.The following four categories of financial assets indicated : a) financial assets or liabilities held for trading; b) investments held until maturity; c) loans and accounts receivable originated by the company; d) financial assets available for sale;
RECOGNITION OF A FINANCIAL ASSET OR A FINANCIAL LIABILITY Initial recognition.- The company recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes, in part, bound by the provisions of the contract of the respective financial instrument.
Subsequent measurement of a financial asset.- After the initial recognition of financial assets, the company must value them at fair value, except for the following categories of financial assets: a) loans and accounts receivable originated by the company and not held for trading ; b) investments held until maturity; and c) all financial assets that do not have a quoted price in the active market and whose fair value can not be reliably valued.
Conclusion, Since in the above case a company has taken a loan from a bank for five years, and an overdraft quota for a certain amount of time which does not qualify in any of the four categories .Hence, it is not a Financial Instrument according to NIC 39