
In: Accounting

Using the Hofstede Insights Country Comparison Tool, compare the cultural dimensions of Poland and Indonesia. Identify...

Using the Hofstede Insights Country Comparison Tool, compare the cultural dimensions of Poland and Indonesia. Identify the three dimensions with the greatest difference between these countries and: • Briefly describe each of these dimensions; • Outline some practical strategies a manager of a global business from Poland could implement to accommodate these differences when engaging with a management team at a subsidiary organisation in Indonesia


Expert Solution

The three dimensions having greatest difference between Poland and Indonesia are:

1. Individualism: The fundamental issue addressed here is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its member. It shows that whether people see themselves as "I" or "We".

Poland with a score of 60 is an individualist society which shows that people give very high preference and expect to take care of themselves and their immediate families only.

Indonesia with a low score of 14 is an collectivist society. This shows that people give very high priority to the society and the in-groups they belong.

Practical Strategy to be implemented by Manager: Due to the high level of Individualism in Poland, it creates huge tension among the country. So a second level of communication should be established which could create a personal contact with everyone to make them understand that everybody is important in the organisation even if all of them are not equal.

2. Uncertainity avoidance: This dimension shows how the society deals with the fact that the future can never be known.

Poland has a very high score of 93 in this dimension which shows that they have a very high preference for avoiding uncertainity.This also means that in these cultures there is an emotional need for rules(even if the rule donot work)

Indonesia has a score of 48 in this dimension and thus has a low preference for avoiding uncertainity. When a person is upset, the people donot show negative emotion or anger externally.

Practical Strategy to be implemented by Manager: There should be a flexible approach and sessions should be conducted to make the people deal with the uncertain situations and make them flexible since its very hard for the people to face the things if it doesnot go their way. They need to know that everything can't go the way we think so in some situations its better to be ready for the change.

3. Long term orientation: This dimension shows that how every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the present and future.

Poland has a low score of 38 in this dimension means that they are more normative. Normative means the people in such societies have a strong concern with extablishing the absoloute truth. They focus on quick results.

Indonesia has a score of 62 indicating the pragmatic culture. Pragmatic means the people believe that truth depends on the situation, context and time.

Practical Strategy to be implemented by Manager: First communication should be made to the people that nothing can be absolute truth. For making them to believe this they need to be given practical situtaion and should ask for the decision they would make on the particular time and situation. They also need to be explained by conducting sessions that long term view is very important for the country and nothing can be achieved quickly and no shortcut is there for success.

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