
In: Physics

1.a) A scientist shines lights at a metal, but does not detect the release of any...

1.a) A scientist shines lights at a metal, but does not detect the release of any electrons. In classical theory, what should the scientist do to make some electrons be ejected?

b) Once electrons are being emitted, what effect will increasing the intensity of the light have?

c) What effect will increasing the frequency have?

2. Calculate the energy of a photon with wavelength 550 nm.

3. Find the energy in a quantum of light that has a frequency of 1.7 x 1014 Hz

4. Find the wavelength of a photon of light with energy 2.04eV. Express your answer in meters.

5. What is the de Broglie wavelength:

a) a cue ball, with a mass of 0.17kg, is moving at a leisurely speed of 1 m/s?

b) an electron moving at the not-so-leisurely speed of 100 km/s?

6. An electron is located in a state with n = 5, l = 1,and ml = 0. In what type of orbital is the electron located?

7. Write the quantum numbers describing a valence electron in a ground-state atom of 53I.

8. Draw Lewis structures for XeF4 and SO3 2- and predict the shape of each species.

9. Which of the following molecules is non-polar? Explain your answer. (a) C6H6 (benzene) (b) NO (c) SO2 (d) NH3 (e) H2S 10. Underline all the compounds in the following list, which would be expected to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds in the liquid state. Explain your answer. a) CH3OCH3 b) HF c) CH3OH d) NH4

11. Describe three ways by which you could differentiate between molecular solids.


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