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HW-20: Arduino - Motor Speed.problem

Arduino - Measuring Motor Speed

Arduino sketch with corresponding line numbers per coding line.
Match line # 1 through #17 with the corresponding instruction purpose.

1.   int count = 0;
     float f = 0;
     float PPR = 500;
     float RPM= 0;

2.   void setup()
3.      pinMode(2,INPUT);
4.      attachInterrupt(0,freq,RISING);
5.      Serial.begin(9600);

6.    void loop()
7.      count=0;
8.      delay(100);
9.      f=10*count;
10.    RPM=f/PPR;
11.    Serial.print(count);
12.    Serial.print(" Pulses/100ms");
13.    Serial.print("\t");
14.    Serial.print(f);
15.    Serial.println(" Hz");

16.   void freq()
17.      count=count++; 

 1 2 3 4 5  Establish inputs and outputs 
 1 2 3 4 5  Declare Variables 
 1 2 3 4 5  Establish output communications with the monitor 
 1 2 3 4 5  Declare digital input pin 
 1 2 3 4 5  Establish interrupt digital input pin, name and mode 
 Tries 0/2
 6 7 8 9 10  Establish initial count value within the running program loop 
 6 7 8 9 10  Infinite loop - running program 
 6 7 8 9 10  Calculate revolutions per minute 
 6 7 8 9 10  Calculate freqency 
 6 7 8 9 10  Delay 100 ms while counting interrupt pulses 
 Tries 0/2
 11 12 13 14 15  Print text "Pulses/100ms" to monitor 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print count value to monitor 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print text " Hz" to monitor then line feed 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print frequency value to monitor 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print tab spacing to monitor 
 Tries 0/2
 16 17  Interrupt subroutine 
 16 17  Add one to the count which is accumulating the number of pulses in 100ms 
 Tries 0/2


Expert Solution

1.  int count = 0;
     float f = 0;
     float PPR = 500;
     float RPM= 0; // Declare Variables

2.   void setup() // Establish output communications with the monitor
3.   pinMode(2,INPUT); // Establish inputs and outputs
4.   attachInterrupt(0,freq,RISING); // Establish interrupt digital input pin, name and mode
Tries 0/2
5.    Serial.begin(9600); // Declare digital input pin

6.    void loop() // Infinite loop - running program
7.    count=0; // Establish initial count value within the running program loop
8.    delay(100); // Delay 100 ms while counting interrupt pulses
Tries 0/2
9.      f=10*count; // Calculate freqency
10.    RPM=f/PPR; // Calculate revolutions per minute
11.    Serial.print(count); // Print count value to monitor
12.    Serial.print(" Pulses/100ms"); // Print text "Pulses/100ms" to monitor
13.    Serial.print("\t"); // Print tab spacing to monitor
Tries 0/2

14.    Serial.print(f); // Print frequency value to monitor
15.    Serial.println(" Hz"); // Print text " Hz" to monitor then line feed

16.   void freq() // Interrupt subroutine
17.      count=count++; // Add one to the count which is accumulating the number of pulses in 100ms
Tries 0/2

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