
In: Computer Science

Remove the Head element from the code below: public class LinkedList {    class Node{ int...

Remove the Head element from the code below:

public class LinkedList
class Node{
int value;
Node nextElement;

public Node(int value) {
this.value = value;
this.nextElement = null;

public Node first = null;
public Node last = null;

public void addNewNode(int element) {

Node newValueNode = new Node(element);

if(first == null) {

first = newValueNode;
else {
last.nextElement = newValueNode;
last = newValueNode;

public void displayValues() {
Node recent = first;

if(first == null) {
System.out.println("List is Empty ");
System.out.println("Nodes : ");
while(recent != null) {
System.out.print(recent.value + " ");
recent = recent.nextElement;
public int getPeek(){
Node temp = first;
return temp.value;

public int lengthOfLinkedList()
Node temp = first;
int count = 0;
while (temp != null)
temp = temp.nextElement;
return count;

public void deleteValue(int key)
// Store the head node
Node temp = first, prev = null;

if (temp != null && temp.value == key)
first = temp.nextElement;

// search for key to be deleted

while (temp != null && temp.value != key)
prev = temp;
temp = temp.nextElement;

if (temp == null) return;
prev.nextElement = temp.nextElement;

public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList valueList = new LinkedList();

System.out.println("The LinkedList Consist Of The Following :" + valueList.lengthOfLinkedList());
System.out.println("After Deleting, The LinkedList Consist Of :" + valueList.lengthOfLinkedList());
System.out.println("1st Item : " + valueList.getPeek());


Expert Solution


//Here the head element is 1.

public class LinkedList



class Node{

int value;

Node nextElement;

public Node(int value) {

this.value = value;

this.nextElement = null;



public Node first = null;

public Node last = null;

public void addNewNode(int element) {

Node newValueNode = new Node(element);


if(first == null) {

first = newValueNode;


else {

last.nextElement = newValueNode;


last = newValueNode;


public void displayValues() {

Node recent = first;

if(first == null) {

System.out.println("List is Empty ");



System.out.println("Nodes : ");

while(recent != null) {


System.out.print(recent.value + " ");

recent = recent.nextElement;





public int getPeek(){

Node temp = first;

return temp.value;


public int lengthOfLinkedList()


Node temp = first;

int count = 0;

while (temp != null)


temp = temp.nextElement;



return count;


public void deleteValue(int key)


// Store the head node

Node temp = first, prev = null;

if (temp != null && temp.value == key)


first = temp.nextElement;



// search for key to be deleted

while (temp != null && temp.value != key)


prev = temp;

temp = temp.nextElement;


if (temp == null) return;

prev.nextElement = temp.nextElement;


public static void main(String[] args) {

LinkedList valueList = new LinkedList();






System.out.println("The LinkedList Consist Of The Following :" + valueList.lengthOfLinkedList());



System.out.println("After Deleting, The LinkedList Consist Of :" + valueList.lengthOfLinkedList());

//Deleting the head element from the linked list


//Printing the result

System.out.println("After Deleting, The LinkedList Consist Of :" + valueList.lengthOfLinkedList());


System.out.println("1st Item : " + valueList.getPeek());



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