
In: Computer Science

In c++, define a class with the name BankAccount and the following members: Data Members: accountBalance:...

In c++, define a class with the name BankAccount and the following members:

Data Members:

  1. accountBalance: balance held in the account
  2. interestRate: annual interest rate.
  3. accountID: unique 3 digit account number assigned to each BankAccount object. Use a static data member to generate this unique account number for each BankAccount
  4. count: A static data member to track the count of the number of BankAccount objects created.

Member Functions

  1. void withdraw(double amount): function which withdraws an amount from accountBalance
  2. void deposit(double amount): function which deposits an amount to the accountBalance.
  3. void calculateMonthlyInterest( ): function which calculates the monthly interest and adds to accountBalance
  4. void displayAccountInfo( ): function which displays the accountID, accountBalance, interestRate and count of the number of BankAccounts created.


Expert Solution



using namespace std;
class BankAccount
   double accountBalance;
   double interestRate;
   int accountId;
   static int count;
   void withdraw(double);
   void deposit(double);
   void calculateMonthlyInterest();
   void displayAccountInfo();
int BankAccount::count=0;
BankAccount::BankAccount(double balance,double rate)
void BankAccount::withdraw(double amount)
       cout<<"Insufficient balance."<<endl;
void BankAccount::deposit(double amount)
void BankAccount::calculateMonthlyInterest()
void BankAccount::displayAccountInfo()
   cout<<"Account ID: "<<accountId<<endl;
   cout<<"Account Balance: $"<<accountBalance<<endl;
   cout<<"Intrest Rate: "<<interestRate<<"%"<<endl;
   cout<<"Number of account created: "<<count<<endl<<endl;
int main()
   BankAccount ba1(1000,4.5);
   BankAccount ba2(2000,6.5);

   cout<<"Initially account is "<<endl;

   cout<<"\nAfter deposite account is"<<endl;



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