
In: Statistics and Probability

Let U be a Standard Uniform random variable. Show all the steps required to generate: a...

Let U be a Standard Uniform random variable. Show all the steps required to generate:

  1. a Binomial random variable with parameters n = 12 and p = 0.6
  2. a discrete random variable with the distribution P(x), where P(0) = 0.4, P(3) = 0.1, P(7) = 0.2, P(14) = 0.3;
  3. a continuous random variable with the density f(x) = 4x 3 , 0 < x < 1;
  4. a continuous random variable with the density f(x) = (1/18)x 2 , -3 < x < 3;
  5. a continuous random variable with the density f(x) = (5/128)x 1/4 , 0 < x < 16


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