
In: Math

Let us consider a random variable X is the element of U(0, a) so that a...

Let us consider a random variable X is the element of U(0, a) so that a has been obtained as a sample from a random variable A which follows a uniform distribution A is the element of U(0, l) with known parameter value l.

Estimates of a based on 1) the method of moments, 2) the method of maximum likelihood and 3) the Bayesian-based methods, respectively in R.

Read a data sample of r.v. X from the file sample_x.csv. Estimate a from such sample, knowing that l = 10.
i. Using only the first sample.
ii. Using only the first 5 samples.
iii. Using only the first 10 samples.
iv. Using all the samples.

sample_x.csv contains these numbers, please copy the numbers to excel file to write the estimators in R.


Please try at least for some estimators... Thank you :)


Expert Solution

Then after using the above given estimators and importing data from Excel file in R

we can find the estimated as follows

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