
In: Computer Science

import; import java.util.Scanner; public class SimpleDateTestDefault { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner stdin...

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SimpleDateTestDefault {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;
SimpleDate d1 = new SimpleDate();
SimpleDate d2 = new SimpleDate(stdin.nextInt(), stdin.nextInt(), stdin.nextInt());

Implement SimpleDate class in package with the following attributes:

  1. day, (int type,  private)
  2. month, (int type,  private)
  3. year (int type,  private)

The class should have the following methods:

  1. a constructor with three parameters: year, month, and day
  2. a constructor with no parameters which initialize the date to 01/01/2000
  3. boolean before(SimpleDate another)
  4. int numOfDays(SimpleDate another), the number of days from this date to another. If another is later than this date, return a positive value, return 0 if equals, and return a negative value if another is before this date.
  5. String toString(): return the String representation in mm/dd/yyyy format.


Expert Solution

Code to copy along with screenshots of code and output are provided.
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Screenshots of "":

Screenshots of ""

Screenshots of Output :

Code to copy(""):

import java.util.*;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

public class SimpleDate {

   // integer variables
   int day;
   int month;
   int year;
   // constructor which takes three integer arguments
   SimpleDate(int day, int month, int year)
   // initializing varaible according to arguments = day;
   this.month = month;
   this.year = year;
   // constructor with no parameters
       // initializing with default values = 01;
       this.month = 01;
       this.year = 2000;
   // method to return number of days from this to another
   int numberOfDays(SimpleDate another)
       int n = 0;
       // creating date strings of SimpleDate
       String dateString = Integer.toString(this.month) + "/"+Integer.toString( "/"+Integer.toString(this.year);
   String date2String = Integer.toString(another.month) + "/"+Integer.toString( "/"+Integer.toString(another.year);
   // format of date
   String format = "MM/dd/yyyy";
   // new SimpleDateFormat object
   SimpleDateFormat sDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
           // parsing dateString as into Date
       Date d1 = sDateFormat.parse(dateString);
       //parsing date2String as into Date
       Date d2 = sDateFormat.parse(date2String);
// calculating difference of days using getTime function          
       n = (int) (((d2.getTime()-d1.getTime())/(1000*60*60*24)));
   catch (ParseException e)
       // try catch to catch parsing exception
       // return number of days
       return n;
   // method to check if date is before another date
   boolean before(SimpleDate another)
   boolean ret = false;  
   // if numberOfDays is positive then another date is after this date
   if(numberOfDays(another) > 0)
   ret = true;  
   // return
   return ret;
   // method to convert this date to string
   public String toString()
       // returning string
       return Integer.toString(this.month)+"/"+Integer.toString("/"+Integer.toString(this.year);


Code to copy(""):

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SimpleDateTestDefault {
   public static void main(String args[])
   Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;
   // creating SimpleDate instance using default values
   SimpleDate d1 = new SimpleDate();
   System.out.print("Enter day month and year : ");
   // creating SimpleDate instance using values entered by user
   SimpleDate d2 = new SimpleDate(stdin.nextInt(), stdin.nextInt(), stdin.nextInt());
   // converting date to strings
   System.out.println("d1: "+d1.toString());
   System.out.println("d2: "+d2.toString());
   // checking before(SimpleDate) function
   System.out.println("Is d1 before d2?: "+d1.before(d2));
   System.out.println("Is d2 before d1?: "+d2.before(d1));
   //checking numberOfDays(SimpleDate another) function
   System.out.print("Number of days between(d2 - d1):"+d1.numberOfDays(d2));


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